Off The Grid Living: Garden Herbs for Better Digestion


Garden Herbs for Better Digestion

by Dr. David Juan

Poor digestion is a problem for millions of Americans. Many experience common digestive issues, such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, and bloating. These symptoms should never be ignored. They are considered possible signs of irritable bowel syndrome, low stomach acid, leaky gut, dysbiosis, food allergies or sensitivities, Candida, parasites, malabsorption—the list goes on. Digestion problems can also cause weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other major health concerns.

So how do you encourage better digestion? Probiotics and digestive enzymes are supplements known to help relieve digestive issues. Apple cider vinegar, dandelion greens, and arugula can also help stimulate stomach acid production. But you can also head to my herb and spice garden for other natural digestion aids. Herbs don’t just flavor your food; they are also known to benefit digestion as well. Here are a few common herbs for healthy digestion.


Oregano is not just a tasty spice for your pizza sauce. It also contains important healing properties to improve your digestion. Oregano is considered a carminative; it can stimulate the digestive system and help the stomach relax. It also has anti-parasitic, anti-adhesive, and antibacterial properties, and it can help relieve intestinal gas, constipation, and other digestive issues caused by bad bacteria in the stomach. H. pylori is bacteria that can lead to stomach ulcers and stomach inflammation (gastritis). Oregano is an herb known to effectively kill the H. pylori infection, according to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. For this study, 25 herbs in total were tested. Along with oregano other efficient herbs included turmeric, borage, ginger, and black caraway.


Rosemary can help calm the digestive system by acting as a nervine and circulatory stimulant. Its other digestive qualities include carminative, anti-spasmodic, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic properties. This herb can help relieve digestion issues, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, bloating, and yeast overgrowth. A study published in the journal Poultry Science found that plant extract supplementation containing rosemary, sage, and thyme would improve nutrient digestion, bowel movement, and overall digestibility during a 42-day trail.

But the benefits of thyme don’t stop there… more here

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