(Video Inc.)From the mainland to her occupied territories, she is to suffer divine judgment.


julThere is more in store for America. From the mainland to her occupied territories, she is to suffer divine judgment. …”The people cry about death and destruction playing havoc over America, but they never cry about the evil that they are committing and which is the cause of this destruction coming into her borders bringing floods, rain, ice, hail and earthquakes daily and nightly somewhere on the surface of the land of America.”–pg.125(tfoa)

jul2The time that we are now in is a time of the anger of God against the evil-doers. It is a time that the God of righteous rejoices to repay the evil-doers for their doings, and to reward the righteous for their righteousness.

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Because of the seriousness of what is going on in America and globally, we should know that…“The coming of Allah in search for the Black lost members of their nation today is to make Himself known, so He can conquer our captors by using weapons against which they have no power. He (Allah) will bring attacks of divine judgement of their world without the use of contrived weapons.

The weapons of war used by God in the past history of the destruction of the enemies of God – such as Noah’s people, Lot’s people, and Moses’ people – are an example of what he will use today. The weapons are the forces of nature against which we have no defense.”–pg.52(tfoa)

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