The World Is Now Set Up For The Mother Of All Collapses


ggttm Note: In words, they know what time is it. It’s implosion time! now it is all about to coming falling or crashing down. Nothing is working for them.

The death of their system and world is assured. We now see the rats trying to run for the exits, but it is too late for them….” There has been decay in the government of the wicked for the past two thousand (2,000) years — since the death of Jesus. I am positive that you see the corruption in this government which is bound to end in the complete fall and destruction of this government.”–Chp.23(o.s.h.a.)

You are very blessed today. You are living in and witnessing the end of one world and the ushering in of a new one. Everything thing that we see and experience is pointing towards this and in sly words, the devil themselves are saying it!

The World Is Now Set Up For The Mother Of All Collapses


Today a 42-year market veteran told King World News that the world is now set up for the mother of all collapses. Below is what Egon von Greyerz, who is founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had to say in this extraordinary interview.

Eric King: “Egon, you’ve been warning that the global stock markets would have a precipitous fall. We’ve begun to see that unfold. What should we expect to see going forward?”

Greyerz: “A few weeks ago it was a very interesting situation where the fundamentals and the technicals came together. It became obvious that we were going to see the start of a major fall in the global stock markets, both short and long-term. The Dow has already fallen 1,000 points since then.


“This has to do with the Fed’s ending of its QE program. The euphoric stock market investors thought that the massive rally we’ve seen in stock since 2009, where the market has nearly tripled, was based on fundamentals. They did not understand that the rally was based on liquidity resulting from the massive money printing.

The real problem is that there has been no economic recovery — it was just an illusion. The real economy is weak and we have now started a downturn in the economy that will last for a very long time. All we have seen since 2007 is a false improvement based on money printing and a massive increase in world debt.

The U.S. debt has doubled from $9 trillion – $18 trillion since 2007 when the crisis started. Of course the Fed has also printed an additional $3 trillion. It was just announced that the budget deficit for the previous year that just ended in September was only $480 billion. Well, the U.S. debt has grown by over $1 trillion in the last 12 months. So the difference between the budget deficit of $480 billion and the $1.1 trillion increase in debt is just creative accounting…..MORE HERE

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