The “Green Light” for war in Europe….America’s total disregard for Russia’s national interests/security!


wareShe continues to exceed the limits. Without regard for others national interests or security, she is at it again. Once again she is deploying weaponry closer and closer to Russia’s borders in the area of the former Soviet Union, in a eye poke to Russia.

Under the facade of protecting Europe from a phantom Russian aggression, she is stoking the flames of war in Europe. Think over it. She was willing to go to thermonuclear war in the sixties for Russia deploying nukes in Cuba, some 90 to 100 hundred miles from Florida.

ware2Today she continues her forward aggression right in the sphere of Russian influence and security as though the security of a nation of 168million people doesn’t matter. I might add that this is a nation that has more nukes than she does, and has more powerful nuclear bombs than she has.

ware3This is absolutely crazy. She is in total desperation mode. There is no other way to view these actions.

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