Space-war: The final war between Allah (God) and the devils is dangerously close


xxeAs crazy as it may sound, truth is America is trying to prepare for war with God who is now with us in person. As Russia builds up her weapons and intelligence apparatus to watch and war with America, America’s eyes are on God. Why?

xxe2It’s because….”America wants to watch God because she knows that Daniel said she would be the One that God would get first. She knows the Revelator, John, said that she would be the first that God would destroy. The Fat Beast that everybody is frightened of, kill him first, because He has killed my people! I must tell you the Truth! The time is here! It is written, but you didn’t understand it. I saw the Beast take him.”–pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

So she is trying to prepare for war by orbiting Earth to try to fire on the Mothership and her 1,500 little planes. This is her true purpose for these secret space missions. She is no fool.

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