The devil’s kingdom is falling down — Jobless rates rose in 24 US states in August


uneDo you remember how we told you that …”There will be no jobs?” It’s real to you now, huh? You are no longer just being told that. You are now living it as you cannot find any work to do!

une2Everything is coming to an abrupt end. Her power to produce and supply for the people has come to an end. We see it in the growing list of unemployed nationally!

Jobless rates rose in 24 US states in August

Former Revel Hotel Casino employees, Jignasha Shah, 45, center, and Ranjitsinh Rana, 56, right, get help from John McCaffery, as they and thousands of other newly laid-off casino workers file for unemployment benefits in Atlantic City, N.J.

The jobless rate increased in almost half of US states during the month of August, according to US government figures, as nationwide job gains in that month were the weakest this year.

The unemployment rate increased in 24 states, fell in 15 and was unchanged in 11, the US Labor Department said on Friday.

According to official figures, unemployment increased the most in the Southern state of Georgia. The jobless rate in Georgia jumped from 7.7 percent in June to 8.1 percent in August.

Mississippi, another Southern state, had the second highest jobless rate at 7.9 percent. Previously, the three states of Nevada, Michigan and Rhode Island had the highest.

The West had the highest unemployment rate among the nation’s four regions. The Midwest boasts the lowest rate at 5.8 percent. Unofficial figures put the jobless rate at much higher rates.

Earlier this month, the Labor Department issued a report indicating that the country’s economy generated just 142,000 jobs in August, which is below the average of 212,000 over the previous 12 months.

The new statistics caught economists by surprise, who were projecting a stronger figure owing to the recent signs of recovery in the world’s largest economy.

As a result, many ordinary Americans remain skeptical about the recovery, which is now in its fifth year. Even that employers added 142,000 workers to their payrolls, was the smallest number so far this year.

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