False bravado and bluster: US sending troops to Ukraine for war games to warn Russia


braThe false bravado the the former global hegemony is presenting to the world is being exposed as just that by rising nations. They no longer fear her as she would like so she is trying her best to rebuild the fear factor of confrontation with her. Problem is, her military is stretched.

Thing is, her weapons and hardware for war are worn and decrepit. Her nation is bankrupt. And her political standing is plummeting faster than a shooting star.

bra2 The nations are no longer fooled. They know that her time is up and are willing to take that chance of confrontation with the beast. This is why America continues to saber rattle. she is also aware of her fading glory.

bra3….”America’s burden in trying to protect herself from the attacking nations of the world is tremendous, one that she will not be able to carry. Therefore, she must succumb to the powerful forces that are coming against her. The fall of a nation makes way for another. As the earth continues, all nations and their civilizations are limited upon it, except the original nation, which takes on renewals and changes.

Though in appearance America seems steadfast, she is moving towards an ultimate end.”–pg.18(tfoa)

US sending troops to Ukraine for war games to warn Russia

Exercise Rapid Trident near Yavoriv, Ukraine, Friday, Sept. 19, 2014.

US Army Secretary John McHugh has warned the Russian military over the crisis in Ukraine as American troops are holding war games in the European country.

“If anyone questions the United States’ commitment to security in the Black Sea region, they might want to take a look at what is happening at Rapid Trident 14,” he said on Friday.

McHugh and top American commanders are in Ukraine to watch the military drills, known as Exercise Rapid Trident.

The US Army is conducting the exercise with 15 other countries in western Ukraine. Hundreds of American troops take part in the war games.

The maneuvers come as tensions have escalated between Washington and Moscow after the US accused Russia of supporting pro-Russian forces in Ukraine, an allegation denied by the Kremlin.

McHugh said Washington and its allies attempt to demonstrate their commitment to other nations in different ways.

“But none of those ways speaks more clearly, more affirmatively about our commitment than when we send our men and women in uniform to train alongside nations that you’re seeing here today,” he was quoted as saying by Stars and Stripes.

The US official also noted bigger nations “must never be allowed to bully the small or impose their will at the barrel of a gun or with masked men taking over buildings.”

On Thursday, President Barack Obama once again condemned Russian “aggression” in Ukraine.

Obama said Moscow’s actions are designed to undermine Kiev’s reform plans, adding that Washington and its partners would continue to build pressure on Russia and support Ukraine’s efforts to reform its economy.

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