Off The Grid Living: How To Prepare For Off-The-Grid Health Dangers


How To Prepare For Off-The-Grid Health Dangers

Written by: Tara Dodrill How-To

Although many preppers have hunting skills and food supplies, medical preps are often one of the areas where people are least prepared.
Although many preppers have hunting skills and food supplies, medical preps are often one of the areas where people are least prepared.
Even preppers with advanced weaponry skills, off-the-grid energy systems, and ample food and water supplies often have one weakness in common – a lack of medical skills. Members of the homesteading, survival, and prepper community frequently spend an abundance of time reading and going to training workshops to enhance their emergency medical skills to become better able to protect their loved ones during a disaster scenario.
Concerns about a bird flu pandemic have grown since the new H7N9 strain made headlines. The Ricin letters sent to President Barack Obama and several senators also highlighted the chemical weapon threat still present in the United States. Knowing how to garden, shoot a deer, and clean water for drinking are integral aspects of survival, but if we do not know how to detect and treat illnesses and wounds, all the ammo and powdered milk in the world will not keep us alive in a disaster scenario.
Off The Grid News recently sat down with Dr. Tom Stoner to discuss medical preps and get a better idea of the health dangers facing America. The TSSP Incorporated co-founder detailed how to best prepare to stay alive and well should one of the natural or man-made scenarios occur.
OTG: You have been prepping for fifteen years, but before that, you already had a successful medical career and had served in the U.S. Air Force. What prompted you to embark on not only a preparedness lifestyle, but yet another career which involved sharing your massive medical knowledge with others?
Dr. Tom: I started prepping when I joined the military in 1995. They really do a good job of teaching this, and especially in the medical field. The military always taught us to prep with one months’ worth of food and water plus a mo-bag or mobility bag.
OTG: How has your expertise in nuclear, radiological, and bio and chemical warfare impacted the way you prepare with your wife Sheila and educate others?
Dr. Tom: 9/11 really drove me closer to “prepperism,” and most folks with common sense understood that our federal government couldn’t be there all the time. Plus I had an event with my four-year-old son right after I was revaccinated with smallpox, and the lack of help with that event also drove me in a more self-educated and sufficient direction.
OTG: Have you noticed an increased interest in prepping due to the EMP threats by North Korea?
Dr. Tom: An EMP or solar flare is always a concern and projections are that this year could be active as it relates to the sun. The damage that this would wreak on the nation would also be catastrophic and would throw us into the dark ages, but so would an anthrax, smallpox, or flu pandemic. Our current medical community is 15,000 docs short per NBC and Bloomberg reports. And we have lost and will continue to lose a huge knowledge base that has sought early retirement…….MORE HERE


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