Western threat hoax on Russia exposed


Western threat hoax on Russia exposed


Pro-Russia protesters take cover while under fire from police snipers during clashes with riot police in central Kiev. (file photo)

By Jim W. Dean

The West seems stuck on doubling down on its bad Ukraine bet with each Kiev failure.

I would have thought that General Dempsey would be spanking people in the White house by this time. Embarrassment seems to be no deterrent whatsoever to the endless claims of Russian aggression for which no proof is ever presented and observers on the ground debunk within a day.

We have an old saying in the South for such a situation, the “pot calling the kettle black”. It means you charge someone that you don’t like with some nasty thing that you are doing to divert attention from your own guilty behavior. The modern Intel term for it is “psyop”, where you are creating a false reality.

Such tactics were once used only to confuse an enemy, but we find them used routinely on the public now, like government was at war with its own people. We clearly see a huge effort being put into this tactic to justify the West’s anti-Russian and China Jihad. Why?…because they will not submit to financial domination by the West and agree to accept the role of vassal states, betraying their own people as the West has been doing to theirs.

It is not Russia that spent $5 billion subverting East European countries and installing puppet governments to move its missile defense shield closer to Western Europe to enhance its first strike capability. Russia did not train the Maidan snipers and Andrew Brevik for their bombing and killing sprees. That was done in Poland on the huge base that was used for the CIA rendition tortures.

Poland’s Prime Minister Daniel Tusk is obviously aware of this, and so are many others. We found out because it is known at the upper levels of Intel community. But that did not seem to bother the EU when it came to making Tusk the new EU Council president, where he is in a much stronger position to create more mayhem and carnage for his Eastern neighbors. Was this a reward for his past good deeds in playing such a key roll in the Western subjugation of Ukraine? Was he put there to protect the elites’ drive to keep the New Cold War momentum flowing? I suspect so.

It is not Russia who shot down Malaysia’s MHJ17 plane with 300 geopolitical sacrificial victims, despite the poorly-baked attempt to frame Moscow. Putin did not withhold Russia’s air traffic control and satellite images of the alleged ground to air battery that was a bit too quickly chosen as the culprit. The Russian defense ministry did not submit clumsily doctored satellite images in a mass murder investigation. The US, NATO and Ukraine did that. They have exposed themselves as the top suspects in this horrible crime.
The US and EU attacked Ukraine initially in the manner that suited them, via the color revolutions. The ultra-nationalist terrorists were also welcome allies to the Kiev coup-miesters and their deep pocket and greedy Western supporters who have long wanted control of Ukraine’s productive resources and turning the Black Sea over into the NATO lake.

It was not Russia that poured resources into Eastern Ukraine to launch an anti-terror campaign on Kiev, like the one the West did, which included recruiting scum of the earth skinheads from Europe, along with the CIA and outsourced military contractors with magical funding that seems to appear out of nowhere.

The citizens of Kiev have not been indiscriminately shelled and rocketed, and endured airstrikes on civilian population centers. Not only have all these things been done by Kiev and the West, but they have proved before the world that the E. Ukraine people were absolutely correct in their position from day one that they were separating themselves from Kiev out of self preservation.

Long forgotten in Western ears is Julia Tymoshenko’s famous phone call intercept (thank you Russia) where she commiserated about the E. Ukraine moves to defend themselves and presented the best way to deal with them was to use Kiev’s nuclear weapons to kill them all, and then move on to Russians. She is a lunatic of course…the perfect Western patsy, but she had only pulled 10% in the presidential vote.

This is a woman still feted as a great example of progressive leadership for her leanings toward the West. Compare the long list of hate and vitriol that comes out of the new puppets in Kiev to the endless pleas from the Russians to get a ceasefire in place and begin negotiations for a peaceful political solution. Elementary school children could easily see who the aggressors are here, putting the grownups to shame.

On a brighter note we have had some progress in talks for a ceasefire, and Kiev’s troops have been pulling back from the siege on Donetsk and Luhansk which we hope will end the shelling of their populations of a million each. E. Ukraine has survived the onslaught despite all the overt and covert aid the West could provide, including that by Poland which was a major breach of NATO rules.

But Kiev seems to have two heads. While one talks of a peaceful resolution via a political settlement, the other issues an endless stream of “the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming” accusations in an obvious ploy to excuse their failed attempt to crush the freedom fighters in E. Ukraine.

Even the White House has the two heads disease. General Obama makes a big deal during his Estonian visit to claim that Russian military units in E. Ukraine are “an absolute certainty”, when earlier the State Department admitted under persistent pressure that “we have no confirmation of Russian military units in Ukraine”.

This “confusion” at the top of the Obama administration is beginning to look more and more like a self-manufactured national security threat itself to the country. It is a reckless and dangerous policy, because with one major misstep it can spin out of control. From the beginning of this conflict, when the Russians were conducting their large military maneuvers, the long established regional observers were one the scene watching everything that went on.

When the crack-head crazy claims were made by NATO that the Russians were piled up on the border and ready to sweep through Ukraine to Moldova “in a few days”, they were quickly refuted by the Western observers who had been watching the exercises. But strangely, Western media did not see a need to report this, showing that they we co-conspirators in the anti-Russian psyop from the beginning.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) recently stated once again that they have observed no movement of Russian troops or armaments over the Ukraine border. And with all the satellite surveillance that the US and NATO have over Ukraine, they have not honored us with some 8×10 glossy photos of all the Russian formations coming over the border. We have not been shown their current deployment positions, order of battle and the usual mapping of exactly which Kiev units they have engaged. And we don’t see any of these Russian stealth troops getting killed, wounded, captured or defecting.

But more of the hoax is getting revealed every day. With the possibility of a ceasefire in E. Ukraine and negotiations beginning, the threat hoax torch is being passed to the Baltic states to claim they feel threatened by Russia, based on the make-believe Russian invasion on Ukraine. That was really why the false charges have kept coming. It creates a trip wire for NATO to create public approval for its advance to the Russian border.

The big surprise came when these same Baltic states played the card given to them by NATO — that to feel more safe, they wanted the missile defense shield deployed on their land. Nothing would endanger their security more than to do that, so that shows how clueless the leaderships are in those countries.

So we have a key part of this ongoing hoax revealed, which I should have picked up on earlier. The initial justification for the deployment of the missile shield, (which by the way does not work), was to defend Europe from a nuclear attack by Iran. Oh yes, remember that? The nuclear talks have exposed the utter hoax of the claims of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, but we have had no confessions yet by the Western culprits that they made the whole thing up.

Russia had always fought the missile shield deployment as a violation of the post Cold War détente as being directed toward them. It would give the West more of a first-strike advantage by being able to block a retaliatory response strike from Russia via the intercept missiles being able to hit Russian retaliatory ones in their launch phase.

The West just proved to us that the Russians were right all the time. And despite their cool and measured response against the mass killings of the Russian-speaking population in E. Ukraine, they have not taken the bait to justify a major NATO expansion. We see now that the West has just decided to push for the missile shield deployment using the volunteer puppet Baltic states as a shallow smokescreen for their obvious aggressive intentions.

The American people need to repeat what they did to stop the US – Syrian bombing with their huge phone call and email campaign to Congress and the White House. Because they did it then… and it worked, the catch-22 now is that if we don’t do it again, then we are giving our OK to this aggression on Russia. And if it turns out really bad for us, as it already is, we will no longer be innocent victims.

Source: www.presstv.ir

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