Off The Grid Living: Oh No, There Is No Toilet Paper! What Do I Do?


Oh No, There Is No Toilet Paper! What Do I Do?

Written by: John How-To

There are very few situations in life that have ever caused me to lose my cool. I am quite proud of the fact that I can keep a level head when everyone else is stumbling around in a blind panic. However, there is one scenario that for some reason completely fills me with dread – discovering there is no toilet paper left while sitting on the toilet. It may be the embarrassment of having to call for help. Or, perhaps it’s the prospect of trundling around the house, looking for substitute toilet paper with my pants around my ankles that causes me such discomfort. I really don’t know. What I do know is, I don’t like it, and I go to great lengths to ensure that it never happens.
I appreciate that this is a delicate subject, so I will try my best to be as tactful as possible. I was also going to add that much of this article will be tongue in cheek, but I think that may have been a pun too far. Needless to say, there is no getting out of the fact that at some point in your life you will find yourself up the proverbial creek without a paddle. In order to get through this harrowing ordeal you will probably lose a little dignity too; it is practically unavoidable, I’m afraid. No matter how embarrassing the situation is, though, try not to panic. Seriously – you could end up tripping over your own feet, and that is one predicament you do not want to have to explain to a paramedic. When you think about it, running out of toilet paper is actually a blessing in disguise. There are toilet paper alternatives readily available in and around the home; with a little bit of forethought and creativity, you could save yourself a small fortune by making or even growing your own.
Let’s start off with emergency supplies, and then we can move onto how you can create an almost endless supply of homemade toilet paper alternatives. All the methods in this article have been tested and proven to work; however, some will take a little bit of practice to get right.
Sponge on a Stick
Ah, the classic Roman method of undercarriage hygiene. A sponge on a stick is exactly what it suggests. Basically the ancient Roman’s would use the sponge to wipe, and once done they would wash it out with vinegar for later reuse. I personally don’t care too much for this method, as sponges are pretty porous and hard to effectively disinfect. If you are going to use the sponge repeatedly, I would recommend using a thinner sponge that is easier to clean. However, when your back is against the wall, the sponge is more than an acceptable alternative to toilet paper. Just make sure you don’t put it back in the shower, as that would really give the next person who uses it a nasty surprise.
Personal Cloths
Every home has cloths or soft material of some description, so these are good choices when you run out of toilet paper. You can reuse these cloths; however, bear in mind that they will first need thorough cleaning. Obviously you don’t want to immediately mix these cloths in with your other household washing; that would just be gross. Instead, keep a bucket with a lid beside the toilet, where you can temporarily keep your “personal cloths” separate from your other laundry…..MORE HERE


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