Off The Grid Living….Calendula: The Amazing Flower That Heals Wounds, Fights Dermatitis, And Even Repairs Varicose Veins


Calendula: The Amazing Flower That Heals Wounds, Fights Dermatitis, And Even Repairs Varicose Veins

Written by: Susan Patterson Natural Health

Image source: gojuiceswild
Image source: gojuiceswild
Calendula officinalis is also known as “pot marigold,” even though it is not a pure marigold. A sweetly scented member of the daisy family, this perky little plant sports bright yellow or orange flowers and is native to the Mediterranean region.
Today, this annual plant that blooms profusely throughout the growing season can be found all over the world and was originally grown for both food seasoning and medicine. It is recognized as a potent medicinal plant in both Western and Asian traditional medicine.
Among some of the most noted medicinal uses of calendula are:
Immune system booster
Anti-fungal action to help combat athlete’s foot
Reduction in digestive inflammation
Reduction in menstrual pain
Fights pain associated with ear infection
Treatment for diaper rash
Reduction in swelling and pain from spider bites and bee stings
Treatment for sore throat
Aids in detoxification
Fever reducer
Calendula, the skin wonder
One of the most recognized uses for calendula is as a therapy for skin. Applications range from beauty to first aid — everything from lip balms, wound washes and dry skin creams to a variety of tinctures and oils. One of the reasons that this happy flower is so useful for skin is that it is warm and dry along with being an amazing moisturizer. It is a wonderful treatment for swollen, painful, hot or pus-filled tissue — reducing inflammation effectively. It is also rich in carotenoids which nourish the skin…..MORE HERE


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