…And blacks are supposed to be less than human: Louisiana man charged in disturbing plot to buy and rape 10-year-old child


Louisiana man charged in disturbing plot to buy and rape 10-year-old child

By Travis Gettys
Ernest Kickel Jr.

A western Louisiana man was arrested after police said he tried to buy and rape a 10-year-old child.

Ernest Kickel Jr., of Leesville, was arrested Monday on charges of attempted aggravated rape and trafficking of children for sexual purposes, reported KPLC-TV.

State police were tipped off to the 66-year-old Kickel’s plan, and detectives said they found unspecified items in his home related to his plot.
“This is one of the most disturbing incidents that law enforcement has encountered,” said Vernon Parish Sheriff Sam Craft.

A judge set bond at $1.5 million for Kickel.

Source: www.rawstory.com

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