Though it is an illusion, the economic magicians are hard at work trying to deceive you into believing that there is an economic recovery and that everything will be find

Greetings, ptw2They’re trying to keep the facade of success going. Though it is an illusion, the economic magicians are hard at work trying to deceive you into believing that there is an economic recovery and that everything will be find. In reality the whole world as we have known it is in decline. This signifies a change is in the works. The old world that was built under the rule of the anglo is dying. The system is imploding due to corruption, deceit, and greed. All semblance of their governance is going down the tubes. They are trying to hold it together with spit and glue. Soon it will all fall apart and the repercussions will be devastating for the masses who believe in the lies and the deceit. ptwAll of their wealth is being destroyed. Their manufacturing is laid to waste. Their financial markets are in critical condition. How can it continue. It cannot be be maintained. Just look around. There are no jobs for anyone, so how can there be any economic rebound or recovery?

The trend for part-time work sweeping the world: Part-time work dominating jobs in the United States, Canada, and Japan.

ptw3 Posted by mybudget360 The employment statistics do a good job concealing the true nature of the workforce. The unemployment rate has dropped dramatically since the recession ended largely because millions of Americans are now no longer considered part of the workforce. This is an easy way to boost the employment rate without actually creating new jobs. Another trend that seems to be growing around the world is that of part-time work. Part-time work and low wage labor go hand and hand. Part-time workers usually are not afforded the same benefits as those working full-time. They are also brought on with a just in time attitude and are treated as such when no longer needed. Part-time work has been growing before the recession and continues to do so today. In Canada, part-time work has been the dominant sector of employment growth. Low wage labor and part-time work go together like peas in a pod. Is this a trend we should be concerned about? The growth of part-time work Companies looking to cut benefits and offer little commitment to future workers will opt to go the part-time route. It is embedded in the nature of low wage labor. This is one major reason how companies have been able to boost profits while filtering profits to the top: slash wages, cut benefits, and squeeze productivity out of workers. It is a good model at the top and simply does not foster a middle class. Why would anyone struggling with part-time work want to commit to buying a home? Long-term purchases are pushed off into the future and big money has stepped in to make those purchases since they have access to funding sources like the Fed with an unlimited window. part-time-workers-us The growth in part-time work in the United States is unmistakable: part-time workers us We are still having a tough time getting back to full-time employment even after the current recovery. However, you can see that the percentage of our workforce now working part-time is near record highs. This trend is not only happening in the US but also in Canada:….MORE HERE

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