Off The Grid Living: Unusual Way To Actually Start A Fire With Water


Unusual Way To Actually Start A Fire With Water

Written by: Rich M Extreme Survival

starting fire with waterOf all the things you can use to start a fire, water would be the one that most people would say is impossible.
After all, we use water to put out fires, so there really isn’t any way to start a fire with it… or is there? Actually, there are several ways of starting a fire with water; and while some might be considered mere tricks to use for impressing your friends, they will all work to get a fire going in a pinch – and some may be very useful for a survival situation.
To even think about using water to start a fire we need to think a little bit differently than we normally do. Dousing a fire with water works for two reasons: because the water removes heat from the fire and because it prevents oxygen from getting to the fuel. Since fire requires fuel, oxygen and heat, by removing two of those we eliminate the fire. However, water has other properties than those which are used to put out a fire and it is those properties which we need to use in order to start a fire with it.
Using Water and Sunlight to Start a Fire
The first several ways we’re going to look at all have one thing in common; in them, the water is used as a lens to focus the sun’s rays. Remember when you were little and used a magnifying glass to burn ants and leaves? You were really practicing survival skills, skills that can keep you alive when you need a fire.

Water and a Light Bulb
For the first method, you’ll need an old incandescent light bulb. The new CFL bulbs won’t work for this. Start by cutting a hole in the metal base of the bulb and removing the glass stem with the wires attached to it. Then, fill the bulb with water, swishing it around. You’ll notice that the white substance on the inside of the bulb starts coming off in the water. Replace the water as many times as necessary to get all of that out and have clean, clear water in the bulb.

You can’t have any air in the bulb to use it for starting a fire, so put a balloon filled with water over the light bulb’s base, squeezing out as much air as possible. The remaining air can be trapped in the balloon and tied off.
The water has now converted your dead light bulb into a perfect magnifying glass, which can be used to focus the sun’s rays onto some tinder, starting a fire…..MORE HERE


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