Sounds of the “Thunder of War” in the Asia-Pacific


usch3Knowing prophecy and being aware of the time, and what is to take place during this time, America has not taken her eyes off the Asia Pacific, especially concerning the rise of China….geopolitically, culturally, economically, politically, and militarily. She knows that the Asian nations are going to push her complete out of that part of the world.

Her arrogance of trying to maintain her sway and rule over the people will prove to be her own undoing. She cannot be divine prophecy. We know that she is showing false bravado. She is trying to make the people believe that she still is the main power to be feared and obeyed.

bnxzBankrupt as she is, she is putting every effort in trying to make war with her adversaries before she thinks they’re ready to take her. It won’t work. These people know prophecy too. They knew that you were going to do these things long before you did them.

We have the history of you and we shared part of it with them so that they may fulfill their destiny that is awaiting both you and them. She wants the world to believe that she will forever stay in Asia, but we know that…..”You do not have to worry too much about whether or not America is coming out of Asia. Certainly America is coming out of Asia.

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