Off The Grid Living: How To Grow Fruit Trees With No Yard


How To Grow Fruit Trees With No Yard

Written by: Susan Patterson Survival Gardening

How to grow fruit trees with no yard

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Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need a huge yard to grow delicious and nutritious fruit. In fact, even if you only have a small backyard or a little bit of balcony space, you can still enjoy growing and eating fresh fruit within an arm’s reach.
Those who grow dwarf varieties of fruit comment on very high fruit yield — as compared to traditional trees — and extremely delicious fruit.
What is a dwarf fruit tree?
Most of the fruit trees sold in nurseries today are actually semi-dwarf varieties. Some semi-dwarf trees can grow up to 10-15 feet high while some dwarf trees may reach 8-10 feet in height. If you are looking for a small fruit tree, be sure you check the mature size before purchasing. Many people will purchase dwarf trees and just keep them 4-6 feet high by regular pruning, for easy maintenance.
What is a miniature fruit tree?
Miniature fruit trees are even smaller than dwarf and usually don’t exceed 8 feet in height — more likely around 6 feet. This makes them perfect for pruning with just a stool or a ladder. Because of their small size, you can plant many plants close together for a higher yield.
Container growing
Although you can put dwarf fruit directly in the ground, many people choose to use containers.

Container growing, or patio fruit tree growing as it is commonly referred to, has become a hugely popular pursuit by those with small space and even by those with ample space who are looking to be more sustainable, reduce maintenance or perhaps just beautify an outdoor room.
The great thing about dwarf fruit bushes and trees is that they produce full-size fruit, even though they take up less than one-fourth the space that their full-size counterparts do. There are many advantages to growing fruit in containers:
When you use a container you can easily control the soil quality.
Container fruit bushes and trees are easy to care for.
Containers make a nice addition to a deck, patio, sunroom or a three-season room.
You can easily move containers around to take advantage of the best location or to protect from inclement weather….MORE HERE

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