The Valuable Asset…Drinking Water crisis to hit world by 2014


waWe see resource and mineral wars spread throughout the globe. The anglo nations know that Europe has little to no resources so they are using terror to destabilize the nations in order to justify their invasion under the terms “RTP”(Right To Protect), “Humanitarian Needs”, and genocide. They are using these terms to look benevolent to the outside world, when in reality they are the ones conducting covert wars of aggression, destabilization, and occupation.

wa2What do you think Libya was about? Yes, they wanted the gold. Yes they want to destabilize Africa. Yes they wanted to re-occupy Africa to control the resource. And yes they wanted to prevent African unification under “The Gold Backed Dinar” which would have crippled Western nations and stripped them of wealth.

wa3 All of these things are true. But there is another underlying reason that doesn’t get much attention in all of the theories. There is something about the water in Libya that was a prime objective of NATO/America, & Western designs.

You can see here “Libya’s “Water Wars” and Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project” and then you will understand the coming water wars!

Study: Drinking Water crisis to hit world by 2014

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Vast study carried out at several world’s research centers has warned that many areas of the world will no longer have access to clean drinking water by 2040.

Focused on four different case studies in France, the United States, China and India, three years of research unveiled that the world population will experience severe water shortage next 25 years.

About 30-40 percent of the world will have water scarcity by 2020, study reported, adding that climate change can make this even worse.

It is a clash of competing necessities, between drinking water and energy demand, according to researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark, Vermont Law School and CNA Corporation in the US.

While the power plants require cooling cycles in order to function, in most countries, electricity is the biggest source of water consumption.

As wind and solar are the only energy systems do not need cooling cycles the experts consider them one of the primary recommendations.

The researchers even suggested that old power systems should be replaced by more sustainable wind and solar systems.

“It’s a huge problem that the electricity sector do not even realize how much water they actually consume. And together with the fact that we do not have unlimited water resources, it could lead to a serious crisis if nobody acts on it soon,” said Professor Benjamin Sovacool from Aarhus University.

“If we keep doing business as usual, we are facing an insurmountable water shortage even if water was free, because it’s not a matter of the price,” he says. “There will be no water by 2040 if we keep doing what we’re doing today. There’s no time to waste. We need to act now.”

Even now many countries in Africa and some developing nations are experiencing water scarcity.


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