Off The Grid Living: 12 Incredible Off-Grid Uses For Egg Shells


12 Incredible Off-Grid Uses For Egg Shells

Written by: Tricia Drevets How-To

egg shell uses
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We eat them for breakfast, we hard-boil them for salads and we add them to our cake and cookie batter. Eggs are inexpensive and versatile. Yet, did you know you may be throwing away a useful part of the egg every time you eat one? The egg’s shell has almost as many uses as the egg’s contents.
As you continue to explore ways to re-purpose items in your home, here are some ideas you may not have considered for getting even more out of your eggs.
1. Household cleaner. Household cleaner. You can make an easy and non-toxic abrasive cleanser by grinding some eggshells and mixing them with soapy water in a clean bottle or jar. Use the concoction to scrub your dirty pots and pans or your kitchen sink
2. Facial mask. Grind clean, dried eggshells into a powder with a mortar and pestle. Now combine the shell powder with some whisked egg whites to create a skin-tightening facial mask. Let it dry on your face and then rinse with water. You can also use eggshells to help ease minor skin irritations. Add clean and dry eggshell pieces to apple cider vinegar and let the shells soak in the vinegar for two or three days. Then dab the mixture on irritated or itchy skin with a cotton ball.
3. Drain cleaner. Keep a container of clean, dry ground egg shells near your sink to sprinkle periodically into your sink strainer. The fragments will help trap bits of food and, as they slowly break down, they will help clean your pipes of debris as well.
4. Seedling starter. Place clean rinsed and dried egg shell halves into an empty egg carton. Poke a small drainage hole in the bottom of each shell. Next fill shells three-fourths of the way with potting soil. Add seeds. As your seedlings grow, you can transfer the shell pot to the ground or to a larger pot without transplanting. The shell is biodegradable……MORE HERE


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