America is bringing about political gloom. Her politicians are unable to carve out a future for them…


pst This is the time of great trouble and tribulation in America. The people are are angry. The government is in derision. The nation is in decline. Her fall is imminent.

One thing is for sure & that is ….”It is clear to all who can see that America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. She always has wanted to keep it a secret, because of her so-called Negro slaves.

She never desired for the slave to know too much of what was in store for her, because of her enslaving and mistreating her slaves. She has reared them for the past 400 years — and she knows them. She knows how they think and how they react to her teachings, and she knows their fear of her. She knows her slaves, but the slaves do not know America — their slavemaster.”–pg.199(tfoa)

pst2There is a growing sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction among the populace. The government has turned into a tyrant runaway government bent upon corporate and imperial dreams that is dragging America into the abyss of nothingness and failure. She is now considered by many nations to be a failed stated!

For her evil to you and I, and for her hubris and arrogance, “This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.

America wishes to oppose Allah (God) in this work of bringing justice and freedom to her once slaves, but this is just what Allah (God) wants. He (Allah) wants America to attack Him, to get the fight started and to bring His judgment against her with the fullness of His strength and power.

pst3America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America. The plan of deceiving the so-called Negro politicians to work against their own freedom, justice and equality (salvation) that Allah (God) has brought to them, is making the so-called Negroes in high offices become the enemy of his own people’s freedom, justice and equality.

Such offices are held out as a bribe to get Black politicians to work against the spread of the truth of their salvation. They are happy — and their boss knows that they are — to have a place near him in such offices just for the purpose of trying to oppose Allah and His Messenger in freeing the poor Black man who is in the mud.

This is causing the political confusion and complete destruction of the house divided against itself.”–pgs.200 & 201(tfoa)

Americans hate Congress more than Jar Jar Binks

Congress is less favored by Americans that one of the worst and most hated Star Wars characters.

We already knew Americans rank Congress below cockroaches and Nickelback, but a new poll provides further evidence of just how little love the public has for the legislative branch: its ratings are worse than Jar Jar Binks’.

FiveThirtyEight asked an online SurveyMonkey poll of Star Wars watchers to rate the films’ characters.

The least popular, reviled Gungan representative Jar Jar Binks, had a 29 percent favorable rating, with 37 percent viewing him unfavorably, for a net -8 (the rest were neutral or undecided).

By contrast, public polling gives Congress an average net rating of about -57.

In the interest of fairness, it’s perhaps important to note that the Star Wars poll included an explicit “neutral” option, which many political polls do not. Also individual representatives, like Jar Jar, generally poll better than Congress as a whole.

For all the comedic potential Congress’ low approval ratings provide, most of its members are likely to be reelected. In 2010, when just 21 percent of Americans approved of Congress, 85 percent of House incumbents seeking reelection held onto their seats. The Huffington Post

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