US is preparing to go to war with Russia and China…(Don’t worry though. It’s coming ,but not how she wants it!)


cw1a America is a rabid dying super power with a scorched earth policy of …if I can’t rule, I’ll kill everybody or at least leave the kingdom unfit for another ruler. This is her thinking. This proves that she is a total sociopath ,notwithstanding all of her claims of “human rights” and “freedom” and “democracy!”

She is deranged. According to the dictionary some of the Synonyms for this word is….crack, craze, frenzy, loco, madden, unbalance, unhinge, unstring. These most definitely describe the characteristics of America.

cw2We can see by their deployment of weapons and war materials that the entire white race is going towards total war…..” The present world (white people) have had their time and have gone over their time to rule. Nevertheless they still want to rule or destroy the idea of someone else ruling as shown by their preparations made for the total destruction of the Human Family of the Earth. They boast that they can destroy the present total population of our earth 30 times over…again and again.

 We know that they will not be able to destroy it one time. But they are preparing to do so should they be given the chance.”–Chp.21(o.s.h.a.)

cw3 So war is coming! Yes it is coming between America and China, and she(America) will be the loser and pushed completely out of Asia. And yes war is coming between America and Russia, and when it does Russia is going to dig off in America forcing her to resort to thermonuclear war in Europe, thus devastating the European continent.—

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