(URGENT RED ALERT WARNING!!!) ISIS Threatens FIFA: “Cancel the World Cup or We’ll Bomb It!!! The Islamic state has long-rang scud missiles that can easily reach Qatar, as the “Americans” already know.” MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD SAYS I FEAR OF AN EVIL DAY OVERTAKING MY PEOPLE HERE IN AMERICA SOON!” (Click links at bottom to watch Elijah’s words come to life!)


As Salaam Alaikum:

“In the name of Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) the beneficent the most merciful to whom All thanks and praises are do forever. Thee do we serve, Thee do we submit, and Thee do we beseech for thine aid, love, mercy, protection, and security. Please make Muhammad successful and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad successful. Please bless Muhammad and the true and righteous followers of Muhammad. For surely thou art praised and magnified in our midst forever and ever to infinity and beyond!!!!!” Amen!!!

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1 How can we say that we are the civilized people of the world when to be civilized, as Allah has taught me, one must have knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement and not be savage. America, more than any other country, offers our people opportunities to engage in sports and play which cause delinquency, murder, theft and other forms of wicked and immoral crimes. This is due to this country’s display of filthy temptations in this world of sport and play.

2 Great sums of money are spent in sport and play, in games of chance and gambling, in the operation of sporting houses. Millions are spent on horse racing and numbers rackets and are a disgraceful publicity of indecent sport.

3 Hundreds of millions of dollars change hands for the benefit of a few to the hurt of millions of poor people in the bread lines, and suffering from the lack of good education, with their last few pennies they help the already helped to try winning with these gambling “scientists” who have prepared a game of chance that the poor suckers have only one chance out of nine hundred to win. Therefore, the world of sports is causing tremendous evils.

4 Think over the destruction of homes and families, the disgrace, the shame, the filling up of jails — state and federal — with victims of sports and play, the loss of friendship, the loss of beautiful wives and husbands, the loss of sons and daughters to these penal institutions. From dope, knives and guns, this evil is practiced under Christianity.

5 The poor so-called Negroes are the worst victims in this world of sport and play because they are trying to learn the white man’s games of civilization. Sport and play (games of chance) take away the remembrance of Allah (God) and the doing of good, says the Holy Qur-an. Think over what I am teaching, my people, and judge according to justice and righteousness.

6 Almighty Allah, to whom all praises are due, did not raise me as a Messenger like the Prophets of old, but he raised me as a Messenger, a Warner and a Reminder to the Nations of that which was prophesied to take place in these last days.

7 We have come to the end of the Prophets and the end of the old wicked world. I am missioned by the Supreme Being to awaken my people (so-called Negroes) to the time in which we are now living.

8 It is my people who are more ignorant to the truth than any other people on the planet earth. It is my people, furthermore, who are in the house of their enemies whom Allah is ready to destroy by fire. And they must be warned.

9 Finally, I must warn you against the devil’s temptations, for they are seeking to make you unfit for acceptance into Allah’s New World of peace, happiness and unlimited progress.

10 They have made you drunkards from their wine, whiskey and beer and other intoxicating. They have made prostitutes of our women. They have caused some of our women to love other women and men to love men and practice sex relations with their own sex. They have our people addicted to the worst kind of filth. They have made you dependent upon filth and vulgarity for survival.

11 They have made us eaters of the forbidden and poisoned swine. They have made us to have wicked, swearing mouths against the Most High God, Allah. But Allah knows the guilty ones, and you shall soon see the reality about which I have been warning you for the past 31 years made manifest in this rich, wicked world of Satan.

7 This right guidance must come from Allah through a Messenger that He sends to you in the time of the Resurrection and Judgment of the world who has a heart and mind like God’s Himself; the executor of the wicked. This Messenger that He has in that day and time will only love and do that which God Himself loves and does. And the 47th verse says that you should hear the teachings of the truth in the words that it gives you before that day comes. For in that time, you cannot get extra time to think it over. You must think it over before that day comes. The 47th verse warns us thoroughly that on that day, we will have no way of seeking refuge from

the evil destruction of that day…only with God alone (in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad). And you will not have the power on that day to make a denial.

8 Verse 48 clears the Messenger of the people going astray after hearing this Truth, ignoring it, and not accepting it, by telling him that he was not set as a watcher over them to see whether they did right or wrong. He was only to deliver the message. He was not to set around and watch and see if they did right; that is up to them. And He Does Not Punish us; only according to that which we do of evil with knowledge of that thing.

9 Verse 49 teaches us that the Kingdom is Allah’s…the heavens and the earth. And, this is true as I teach you plainly from His Mouth, that the heavens and the earth belong to the Black Man and what is in them and what comes out of them and comes down to them, it all belongs to Allah, The Black Nation. So let us fly to Allah before we are forced to do it, and then get turned down.

Truth Shall Be Established

Holy Qur’an Chapter 57:20 & 22

10 20 Know that this world’s life is only sport and play gaiety and boasting among yourselves and a vying in the multiplication of wealth and children. It is as rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow please the husbandmen, then it withers away so that thou seest it turning yellow, then it becomes chaff. And in the Hereafter is a severe chastisement, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and (His) pleasure. And this world’s life is naught but a source of vanity.

11 22 No disaster befalls in the earth, or in yourselves, but it is in a book before We bring it into existence — surely that is easy to Allah —


 12 This is a sign of how the people are now…that after the world (of the wicked) seemingly has been successful with wasting their time in sport and play, it is classified as vegetation when it is getting rain on it and it grows and flourishes. But when the rain ceases to come, and the vegetation is exposed to sun’s heat, it withers away. So it is with the wicked after living a life of wickedness and carelessness and wasting his time in sport and play. Then the time of truth comes demanding him not to waste him time in sport and play but to do service to Allah and to self…for the Holy Qur’an teaches us again and again that the heavens and the earth were not made for sport and play.

13 You notice that our Black People…especially here in America…have become sold to nothing in the world but sport and play. This is the way the people were of Lot and Noah; they were sold to sport and play and they hated the teachings of those righteous Prophets. And the day of their doom came, unexpected to them because they did not heed their warnings. So it is here today…24 hours a day…they are trying to have sport and play and talking over foolish things, spending their time in foolishness. I fear of an evil day overtaking my people here in America soon.

14 True…the world is warning you now, and you act as though the white people can help it. But they are telling you now that unemployment keeps mounting and they can do nothing about it. They are warning you that you are going to get hungry too, but you are not trying to take it with sincerity that they are telling you the truth. You are like a child who cries to its mother for bread and milk, whether there is any in the kitchen or not.

15 So this is you…a big, old, grown child, who has been nursed and fed by the white people and sheltered by them and you think you will always have this from them. But No Sir…remember the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. At last, the rich man died and in his death of poverty, he came to suffer the same thing that Lazarus suffered…being deprived of good homes, and luxury of all kinds. This will be taken in this day and time. But the righteous will flourish with whatever they please with God.

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Before the winner of the Brazil World Cup has even been decided, the 2022 event is facing fresh threats. And this time, it’s not down to construction delays or street protests, it’s ambitious terrorists. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the terrorist organisation currently wreaking havoc in the Middle East, issued a bizarrely polite threat to FIFA earlier this week, warning them not to hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

The group claims that by that stage, Qatar will be a part of its newly-declared Islamic Caliphate, “under the rule of the Caliph Ibrahim Bin Awad Alqarshi” (the full name of ISIS leader Al Baghdady). Under that caliphate, football games will be considered “a diversion from Islam”.

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This map, circulated widely as outlining an ISIS five-year plan, has been largely debunked, but may be indicative of the widest extent of their ambitions.

After the message was released on Sunday, it spread virally on social media platforms. Given the violent ongoing devastation by ISIS in Syria and Iraq, resulting in masses of dead bodies the Al Qaeda-inspired group leaves in their wake, what is perhaps most surprising about ISIS’s threat is its tone.

Regally addressing the FIFA President by his full first name “Joseph” (he goes by the moniker “Sepp”) the terror group “suggest” Mr. Blatter had better find a replacement venue for the Qatar event, while nonchalantly mentioning the long-range scud missiles ISIS claims to have acquired, which would put the Kingdom well within their strike range. Having issued their warning, the group signs off with a “thanks”.

The full message – as posted on ISIS’s forum alplatformmedia.com and reprinted in Egypt’s Al Wattan newspaper reads:

“From the soldiers of the Caliphate state to the president of the international football association Joseph S. Blatter:

“Dear Joseph,

We had sent a message to you back in 2010, when you decided or were bribed by the former Amir of Qatar to have the 2022 world cup in Qatar. Now, after the establishment of the Caliphate state, we declare that there will be no world cup in Qatar since Qatar will be part of the Caliphate under the rule of the Caliph Ibrahim Bin Awad Alqarshi (Al Baghdady’s full name) who doesn’t allow corruption and diversion from Islam in the land of the Muslims. This is why we suggest that you will decide upon a replacement country instead of Qatar. The Islamic state has long-rang scud missiles that can easily reach Qatar, as the Americans already know.


The warning follows revelations by The Sunday Times newspaper last month detailing a damning security assessment for Qatar. According to the statement, there was a “high risk” of the World Cup in 2022 being “shut down” altogether by a terror attack in the kindgom. Qatar has been mired in controversy ever since winning the bid to become the first Arab state to host a World Cup final in 2010. One of the key concerns has been the blisteringly hot summer temperatures in Qatar–exceeding 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which pretty much makes soccer unplayable. 🙂
Others have protested the corruption scandals surrounding Qatar’s bid, as well as the Kingdom’s problematic human rights record. According to an Amnesty International report from October 2013, migrant workers in Qatar are “treated like cattle” and placed in deplorable work conditions akin to modern day slavery.

The ISIS warning is far from the first of its kind–soccer fatwas from wingnut clerics are as rhythmic as the World Cup cycle itself. A 2010 Stratfor advisory, coming just after the Qatar announcement by FIFA, quoted an Islamic activist as saying: “You fools, know that Al-Qaeda is on the threshold of establishing the shariah (Islamic law) of Allah the Almighty.”

The user, who went by the name Hafeed al-Hussein on the Shumukh al-Islam online forum, also had a few prescient lines about the future balance of power on the Arab peninsula.

“And who knows, Allah may empower al-Qaeda so that it takes control of matters after a year or two, or five years at most,” he said. ”In 2022, there is no country with the name Qatar, and there is no province called Kuwait and there is no Saudi (Arabia). Instead, there is an emirate called the Islamic State,” the post added.

Sounds familiar.

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“Messenger Elijah Muhammad says, “I shall continue to warn you of the divine penalty that awaits you who reject your God and my Savior, Master Fard Muhammad. In this world of crisis and destruction of nations, the only escape you have is in Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) and following me (Elijah Muhammad).”

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Click Here To Preview America’s Destruction Part 1

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