On the order of God, nature is attacking America!


arctThe scriptures teaches us that when you can’t tell the difference in the seasons, know that the end is nigh. Nature has gone into rebellion against those who have ruled the earth for the past 6,000 years. Because they are unnatural and their order in unnatural, nature on the order of the Natural God, who is now with us in person, has been turned loose against this world.

America is number 1. God is after her first. Why? It’s because she has abused, misused, and nearly destroyed His heritage(people) and has put them before the world as a wrecked and uncivilized people for mockery and sport.

arct2The Judgment has come. God is now ushering in the Judgment . He is handling this affair in person.

…..”The coming of Allah in search for the Black lost members of their nation today is to make Himself known, so He can conquer our captors by using weapons against which they have no power. He (Allah) will bring attacks of divine judgement of their world without the use of contrived weapons.

arct3The weapons of war used by God in the past history of the destruction of the enemies of God – such as Noah’s people, Lot’s people, and Moses’ people – are an example of what he will use today. The weapons are the forces of nature against which we have no defense.”–pg.52(tfoa)

Look at how He has them confused and in total derision.

   Poor man’s polar vortex to make shocking summer return in eastern U.S. next week

Call it the ghost of the polar vortex, the polar vortex sequel, or the polar vortex’s revenge. Meteorological purists may tell you it’s not a polar vortex at all. However you choose to refer to the looming weather pattern, unseasonably chilly air is headed for parts of the northern and northeastern U.S at the height of summer early next week.

Click to enlarge. (WeatherBell.com, adapted by CWG)
Bearing a haunting resemblance to January’s brutally cold weather pattern, a deep pool of cool air from the Gulf of Alaska will plunge into the Great Lakes early next week and then ooze towards the East Coast.

6-10 day temperature outlook from National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center
Of course, this is July, not January, so temperatures forecast to be roughly 10 to as much as 30 degrees below average won’t have quite the same effect.

Temperature anomalies (or difference from normal) Tuesday midday from European model (WeatherBell.com)
But make no mistake, in parts of the Great Lakes and Upper Midwest getting dealt the chilliest air, hoodies and jeans will be required. Highs in this region could well get stuck in the 50s and 60s – especially where there is considerable cloud cover……MORE HERE


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