….And this will make anger rise up in the midst!”


weWe told you of it. We warned you of that day. We tried to make you understand that it was no longer coming. It is now here. Anger is everywhere.

The people are dissatisfied with their nation, their government, their policies, their future, and their situation…..”We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 per cent throughout the world of man and mankind. Therefore we are living among the dissatisfied persons, daily and nightly.

we2No one is satisfied though they may be righteous. They are not satisfied because they are living among unrighteousness. So the whole entire world of the wicked and the righteous is upset due to dissatisfaction.

The dissatisfied are gaining everyday more and more among the people whom they hope to bring into the same condition that they are in.”–pg.101(tfoa)

we4The republic is falling and the nation is doomed. The people see it and fear what they see so anger is rising like mercury. You were told, but ignored, the truth that…”With unemployment mounting so fast it will create revolution. And everybody will want to divide the government up into pieces. And every leader will want to grab a piece for this part to try to muster some kind of government patterned after his own way of thinking.

Desolation….if we are going to suffer deprivation in a country that has been the pride of the nations, this will make it altogether worse. For everybody will be thinking about the way that they used to live, and the freedom and the privileges that they used to have….And this will make anger rise up in the midst!“–pg.7(The Mother Plane)

Aren’t they now saying this? Are they not openly saying that these predictions are now a reality today in America?

Anger Rising Across America

(K.T. McFarland) Every Fourth of July we have a family dinner and take turns reading sections of the Declaration of Independence. When my kids were young they were thoroughly bored. When they were teenagers they rushed through the reading so they could ditch the family and see their friends, who weren’t subjected to such July 4th indignities. But my children are grown now, and this year brought their friends to our family dinner.

We handed out slices of American Flag cake along with copies of the Declaration and commenced reading, going around the table. My children were apprehensive their friends would think their parents were too corny, and their friends looked on politely, but unenthusiastically. The first few lines were familiar to everyone: “When in the Course of human events”…and…. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”

We’re seeing the stirrings of a movement against Washington’s governing elite, an increasingly angry reaction to their abuse of power.

Read beyond those first two paragraphs, though, and you get the long list of grievances the Colonials had against the King. Some of our readers this year were in the military, two were Special Forces guys, just back from some of the fiercest fighting in Afghanistan. The rest were recent college graduates, struggling to find jobs, get apartments they could afford, and payoff college loans.

This year our reading of the Declaration clicked.

As we went around the table, each person reading a few sentences of the Declaration, the momentum picked up. People started reading with enthusiasm, then gusto, and mounting passion as they got further down the list of grievances. They started banging the table as the abuses mounted, and finished by chanting all together the repeated phrase,“Free and Independent States”.

It dawned on us that what happened in America in the 1770’s is like what’s happening all across the country today. We’re seeing the stirrings of a movement against Washington’s governing elite, an increasingly angry reaction to their abuse of power.

For the first time in all the years of reading the Declaration, I felt how angry the Colonials were. It wasn’t just about paying taxes, or being able to vote for members of Parliament. It was about a far-away government dictating to people who lived very different lives. It was about a big government that took from the people but gave very little in return. It was about an arrogant elite, deaf to the repeated petitions of the people. It was about abuse of power.

Think of what it must have been like for our forbearers. They had been carving out a life in the wilderness for over a hundred years, through their own determination, hard work and self-reliance……MORE HERE

Source: http://govtslaves.info/anger-rising-across-america/#sthash.IrQjBZfM.dpuf

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