The creep creep effect of the plight of hunger: (Video Incl.)Food Prices Are Climbing


infl4….”In a time when we should be showing the world that after one hundred years up from slavery, we are leading ourselves out of that slavery mentality, put in us by the white slave masters, they are acting worse than our fathers did. Our fathers begged, but they begged to go back to Africa where the white man brought us from.”–pg.139(o.s.h.a.)

infl3But you see that there are no jobs, yet you still beg them. You see that they can’t house or feed you anymore. Even if they can or could, now they are refusing to do so, yet you lick them for mercy as a dog licks his master for food.

infl2 You do not want to be separated from your enemies regardless of what kind of treatment you receive and they do not want you separated from them, as long as they can hold you with them. …” You do not like doing right. You do not like doing something for self. You glorify begging the white man to do for you that which you can do for yourself. I warn you that the day is not far distant when you will be forced to do something for yourself because the white man is bound to drop you. And that he knows, but he is not telling you. He is allowing you the chance to make a fool of yourself and be caught at that time like a grasshopper who enjoyed summer weather. But cold weather kills the grasshopper. It freezes him to death because he has no house to lodge in.

   Happy Hunger days are upon us

   Food Prices Are Climbing


first it was pork – pig virus’ (march)

DES MOINES, Iowa — Prices for ribs, chops, hams and other pork products in the grocery store are expected to climb as much as 15 percent this summer as supplies are slashed by a new swine virus that’s sweeping the country.

That’s tough news for consumers, also facing rapidly rising prices for beef. The disease hits just as pork producers are recovering from high corn prices.

The situation is critical for Iowa, the nation’s largest producer of pigs. Iowa producers generate about $7 billion in sales and employ about 39,000 workers caring for the state’s 20.5 million animals.

So far, producers in 26 states have reported infected herds with the highly contagious porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, known as PEDv. The virus is fatal to piglets. In less than a year, losses are estimated at 5 million.

Rising food prices pinching consumers (april)

Two months of sharp increases in food prices show grocers are starting to pass along their higher wholesale costs to consumers.

Retail food prices rose 0.4% in March, the same as in February and the largest amount since September 2011. By comparison, the prices of all consumer goods rose 0.2% in March and 0.1% the month before, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Beverly Cabellon, 61, of Pleasant Hill, Calif., was taken aback by the $38 price for two steaks at Costco recently, up from the $27 she paid last September. “I will be grilling more vegetables and shrimp this summer,” she says, adding that she and her husband will likely eat beef once a month instead of weekly. “And I may switch to pork and chicken.”

Beef, pork, poultry, eggs and milk have had the most dramatic price increases as drought, a virus outbreak and rising exports have thinned U.S. supplies.

then the droughts for beef/pork – (now)

WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA9) — Dickey’s Barbecue’s Jeff Forrester sees a smoked brisket as a juicy investment.

“That’s brisket gold, is what it is,” Forrester says.

It cost him more now because farmer in states hit by droughts raiser fewer animals. That, along with the worldwide demand, meat prices are rising.

In the last year, pork chop prices jumped 40 percent, Rib eye costs went up 40 percent and ground beef 5 percent..

And those higher costs may push restaurants to charge you more so they can make a profit.

“It’s always something that we look at, but we don’t want to burden our customers with any kind of price increase, if we can help it,” Jeff Forrester says.




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