What does this signify? — US trade gap widens for 5th straight month in April

This means that no one is buying what little products the US may be producing( not much). This also means that America is spending more money to import goods and services from abroad. This spells trouble for a debt laden economy.
This pushes America further in the red, if that is even possible. The adds debt upon the already unpayable debt she already has incurred. What I am saying is, this is more dynamite to fall the condemned house/building called America.
  This is more fire in the wildfire of economic collapse. She is being forced to borrow more money from her creditors, who happen to be the same people she is buying her goods and services from, to pay for her imports, her debts, and the interests on her debts. This policy is an insane policy, but hell…she is insane and collapsing!
US trade gap widens for 5th straight month in April (via AFP)

A gain in imports against fairly flat exports pushed the US trade deficit higher for the fifth straight month in April, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. The deficit hit a two-year high of $47.2 billion, up $3.1 billion in the month and up $6.…

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