Off The Grid Living: Learn The Difference Between Herbs And Spices


    Learn The Difference Between Herbs And Spices

herbs & spices herbs & spices3
Written by: Kerry White Survival Gardening

Herbs and spices are the foundation of every well-prepared kitchen, and they are also one of the best parts of any garden. The words “herb” and “spice” are often used interchangeably in the kitchen, and often between gardeners. But just what are the key differences between herbs and spices? And how does this affect your ability to grow the seasonings that transform your culinary experimentations into a truly delicious dining experience? There are several subtle differences that can lead to a better understanding of the definition of herbs and of spices.
As you undoubtedly know, herbs and spices are seasonings that are derived from plants. The exception to popular food seasonings would be salt, as salt is a mineral that is not derived from any plants.
The Definition Of Herbs
Herbs are seasonings that are derived from the leaves of plants that fit into the herbaceous family. Herbaceous plants could be perennial, biennial, or annual; this means that some of your herbs will survive throughout the year and continue to thrive each spring, and others will need to be replanted every spring.

Herbaceous plants do not have a woody stem, and the leaves and stems that they do have typically die down towards the end of the growing season. Your perennial and biennial plants will develop new growth at the start of the next growing season, as the roots tend to go dormant throughout the coldest parts of the year.
Herbs typically prefer temperate climates, and as such have been found to originate from countries like England, France, and Italy.
Even some of the most seasoned gardeners are surprised to learn that some of their gardening staples actually fall into the herbaceous category. Here is a brief list of some of the more surprising herbaceous plants that may not necessarily be considered as herbs with a culinary purpose.
Herbs, like spices, are typically best used when fresh. They can, however, be dried and saved for use when they are needed during the winter months. Plant nurseries and home improvement stores fill up with an array of herb plants that include some of the more popular kitchen additions, including some of the following.
Herbs are very often used in larger amounts than spices, which means that even the most potently flavored herb is not as nearly influential in cooking as spices are. Interestingly enough, some plants are used in cooking as both herbs and spices. An example of this would be coriander, which is also known as cilantro. The leaves and the seeds of the coriander plant are both used to add fresh flavor and unique tastes to a range of dishes. Dill is another plant that serves a dual herb and spice purpose, providing both leaves and seeds for culinary seasonings.
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A lot of herbs can be used both as an additive in the culinary arts and also can be used for their medicinal value. For example, the mint family of plants has a beautiful aroma and flavor that adds zest to a variety of baked goods and even curry dishes. Peppermint tea has also been shown to ease stomach upsets and discomfort, and of course chewing a few peppermint leaves can result in deliciously fresh breath.
The Definition Of Spices……More Here

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