*Video Incl.* “As thou hast done”(It’s now back & out of control in your own cities) — Origin of US gun culture back to slavery


us3America must be ravaged by violence. This is a no brainer. She must receive blowback from her founding. She was founded in murder, violence, oppression, deceit, and suffering.

us6The laws of mathematics and the very laws of the foundation of creation, space, and time dictates that any force meted out must meet with and equal or superior return. America is not an exception to these laws and rules which govern the entire space of the universe.

us5Regardless to how you think or what you believe, you will not be able to redeem her from the blowback effect of her founding and the retribution of her current wicked policies. She must meet with the same or greater type of results. These results are what we now see terrifying and engulfing the American populace.

us4 That old saying…As thou hast done, so shall it be done unto thee…does not stop at America’s doors. Because she has proven herself to be the vilest, meanest, most deceitful, arrogant, lustful, boastful,and wickedness nation to ever have existed, she must receive a double portion of what she meted out, in her own cup that she may have to drink.

us2The Bible, in the 3rd chapter called Nahum, America is warned in these words…”Woe to the bloody city! It is full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not.” This is a precise description of modern day America.

We know for ourselves through the studying of her own history that America was founded  and built blood(the blood of Blacks & the red Indians) and established in iniquity. This is outright truthful and cannot be denied. Now it is coming back today in what they now term “The Culture of Violence.”

 us1  Origin of US gun culture back to slavery: Bruce Dixon

A political activist says that “the origin of gun culture in the United States goes back to slavery” following recent shootings across the country.

Bruce Dixon of Georgia Green Party spoke to Press TV on Tuesday on the issue of gun culture in America and its origins.

He said the politicians have no interest in changing the historical gun culture.

“The two capitalist parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are fond of this gun issue because it appears to mark a difference between them when really it doesn’t mark any difference at all,” Dixon said.

He added that gun rights were originally devised to give white Americans the ability to fight the Indians and preserve their slaves.

“The second amendment of the constitution guaranteeing everybody the right to their arms was really made at the time to guarantee that they would have a supply of armed free white men to be slave patrollers and to be militia when it was necessary to steal Indian land.”

But even after slavery was abolished, whites would not give up their gun ownership, Dixon continued.

“After the close of the frontier in the end of slavery they sort of reconfigured gun culture and reconfigured the interpretations of history to justify this gun industry that you have now and they don’t seem to be able to pass any laws against it because in the case of white Americans gun ownership is a kind of entitlement that they culturally justify as a defense against crime and also that has roots in vigilantism.”

Every year, more than 30,000 people are shot and killed in the United States. About 4.5 million firearms are sold annually in the United States at a cost of 2 to 3 billion dollars.

The latest incident of shooting rampage in the US left 7 people dead when Elliot Rodger on Friday stabbed and shot 6 people to death and injured 13 others before killing himself at the University of California.

In the week prior to Elliot Rodger’s shooting spree in Isla Vista, there were at least 80 gun-related deaths across the country, according to a Huffington Post analysis of local news reports.

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