The military moves you see going on in Europe is prepositioning for economic collapse



189962386A lot of you don’t realize the time. Without this vital knowledge you are unable to put all of the latest events together in a picture worthy to be looked at. You will not be able to properly plan for the coming collapse. And you will not be able to see the events before they transpire, thus leaving you in a position of subjugation and dread.

This is not the time to be like that. This is a time to be in step with time and know where to be and what to do when the next bundle of events transpire. I say to you…wake up now before it is too late!

natoAre paying attention to the economic environment of America and Europe. Both are in a death spiral. Both know not the way out for a better and prosperous future for their people. Why? Because their time is up and they never tried to do anything worthwhile or right under the rule, so now it is all dying out!

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