Ebola in Africa: profile of a prolific killer unleashed by anglo organizations

The truth of the matter is the Western world….i.e… the white world is not asleep to the time and they are active in the endeavors to try to prevent the birth and rise of a new generation of black youth that could rule the globe.
Just as with Pakistan, the outbreak of polio would have never happened had Pakistan now allowed US so-called aid organizations to experiment with the population with the so-called vaccinations against polio ,which in reality has decimated the population.
  It is the same here in Africa. Have you ever notice that before the white or Western organizations and people come into the lands they claim to want to help, these people and nations are mostly brotherly to each other, healthy, and independent? But just as soon as the West or white organizations are permitted to come in, division, death, outbreaks, hunger, poverty, and war starts and spreads!
  They are secretly waging war under the cover of humanitarian help. You must be informed to to know that these same organizations are just extensions of the governments they represent, most of which are oppressors and colonialists.
Ebola: profile of a prolific killer (via AFP)

The Ebola virus now threatening Sierra Leone is one of the deadliest known to man, with more than 100 confirmed deaths from the disease in West Africa since January. According to a May 23 statement by the World Health Organisation (WHO), 258 cases of…

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