(Video Incl.)Ensnared by arrogance, Babylon(America) has been caught in the trap!


1tomThe world know knows who is the cause of the troubled world. They are quickly awakening to the underlining cause of instability globally. The nations are watching your every move.

2tomThey know that you are not to be trusted in the least.In your question for power, hegemony, and total world domination under your own ideas, you have become drunk and missed the trap that was set for you. You took the bate in your arrogance and now you have become ensnared by “Super Power” arrogance, which is leading you to ruin and to your eventual and ultimate decline and fall.

4tomYou who look on are warned…”Go to sleep to the reality of the Judgment of America, a repetition of ancient Babylon’s judgment, if you like to be caught in the snare . As God has said, He laid a snare for ancient Babylon(Jeremiah 50: 24) and ancient Babylon was taken in that snare.

3tomSo it is with America. Long before America ever thought that she should repent of her evil done to her slaves or reject repentance, God hath set a snare to catch her. America is now in the same snare that God for set for ancient Babylon..”–pg.137(tfoa)

US intervenes for certain objectives: Commentator

Press TV has conducted an interview with Hamid Golpira, journalist and political commentator from Tehran, about the United States pursuing certain objectives by toppling democratically elected governments.

Press TV: There are several instances of instability and insecurity caused by America’s foreign policy which has so far kept its nature throughout the past century, by creating wars, for instance, toppling of democratically elected governments, financing terrorists and insurgents, and of course the list goes on. What objectives do you think American politicians are pursuing?

Golpira: The reasons for these interventions and other meddling is, actually these powers that be, the global ruling class, are pursuing certain objectives where, on the one hand, they want to do something, has a process called thesis, antithesis and synthesis where their intervention, military intervention or otherwise some political meddling or interference in their political system can be seen as the thesis, the response that they are looking for to get to that thesis is the antithesis and then the end result is the synthesis.

What they are trying to do is to manipulate the situation where they put forth, with their manipulation, their thesis, the antithesis comes and they realize the final result of their synthesis. And a lot of these things have complicated the situation.

You see in the past the US has been meddling in Chile, all across Latin America, different places. Today you see there’s destabilization and certain insurgencies happening in places like Mali, in Congo, in Nigeria, in Somalia, you have Afghanistan war or you had the Iraq war.

To make one example of this, say for example in Afghanistan you have the military intervention. That’s the thesis. Then you have the response of Taliban or other forces allied with the Taliban. There are attacks against which is the antithesis. Now all of this creates a kind of instable situation where something, a pattern of a plan something called Out of Chaos Order, or Order Out of Chaos happens where the actual goal of Afghanistan is maybe not really stabilization of Afghanistan at all but actually creating an instable situation where these powers that be can take control of Central Asia.

For example, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former US National Security Advisor has said who controls Central Asia or Middle Asia controls Eurasia and who controls Eurasia controls the world.

So this Afghanistan thesis, antithesis, synthesis can be seen as a kind of destabilization to get to the synthesis, the final goal of having control over Central Asia which is seen by many analysts besides Brzezinski as being a key to global domination.


Source: www.presstv.ir 

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