(Video Incl.)The stronghold of the American Government is falling to pieces.US dollar as reserve currency becoming ‘obsolete’


obseleteNow comes the fall. The strongest pillar of American foreign power, which fed her military industrial complex, and also help her political standing and influence go throughout the world, is now in trouble and the nations are shunning it. This is the decline of the dollar.

obselete2This is the fall of power and influence and the collapse of power internally and externally. She is dying and the empire is perplexed. The coffers of modern Pharaoh are empty.

obselete3As was foretold in the book, “The Fall of America,” it is written that…”The stronghold of the American Government is falling to pieces. She has lost her prestige among the nations of the earth. One of the greatest powers of America was her dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the medium of exchange between nations.”–pg.87(tfoa)

obselete4She is falling to pieces. Her policies are in disarray. The empire is in trouble and Babylon the great is now fallen, fallen!

   US dollar as reserve currency becoming ‘obsolete’: Economist

The US dollar as the most widely held reserve currency is becoming “outmoded and obsolete” due to the government’s mismanagement of the financial system, an American economist says.

The use of the dollar as an international reserve currency, including for international trade, has become “outmoded, obsolete and unworkable,” said Webster Griffin Tarpley, a critic of US foreign and domestic policy.

“US Treasury Secretaries and US Federal Reserve officials have been much more interested in saving the Wall Street zombie banks from the consequences of their own speculation than they have been in doing the things that would really make the dollar a liable reserve currency,” Tarpley said.

“They’ve given up on functioning as a reserve currency and therefore the rest of the world is drawing the consequences,” he told Press TV on Wednesday.

In a symbolic blow to US global financial hegemony, Russia and China took a step toward undermining the dominance of the US dollar as the world reserve currency on Tuesday.

In the presence of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Shanghai, Russia’s second biggest financial institution, VTB, signed a deal with the Bank of China to bypass the dollar and pay each other in domestic currencies.

The world’s five major emerging economies known as the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — have long sought to diminish their dependence on the dollar as a means of reshaping the world financial and geopolitical order.

Demand for the dollar as a reserve currency in international transactions has allowed the US to borrow almost unlimited cash and spend well beyond its means, which some economists say has afforded the United States an outsize influence on world affairs.

Economists believe, however, that in the absence of a viable alternative, replacing the US dollar will be difficult.

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