As long as the rich man enjoyed luxury, he cared nothing about luxury for his slave, Lazarus. Hardship Makes a New Home in the Suburbs


pov.5  It was ok as long as you kept your ex-slaves in poverty and want. It was ok to deprive them of the better things and luxury of all kinds. You never wanted them to enjoy the fruits of their labor and the labor of their ancestors, but today you have fallen head long into the throws of divine justice.

pov.4Your kind is being forced to taste the plate of leanness and lack. Your kind is forced to wonder how the bills will get paid and how will you feed your young. This is blowing back in your face and you don’t like it very much. But you knew that it was coming.

pov.2It is written that….”They showed no mercy at all to the Black slave. They treated the Black slave worse than any human being has ever been treated. They continue to do so, in the face of divine judgment.

They remind you of the parable of “The Rich Man and the Poor Man.” As long as the rich man enjoyed luxury, he cared nothing about luxury for his slave, Lazarus.

pov.Then, at last the rich man fell into poverty and he was unable to get help, even for himself.

The Bible says of the poor Black slave that “none helped them.” Now the rich man gets in the place of his once slave. The rich man can witness how it feels to be a poor man.”–Chp.(tfoa)

    Hardship Makes a New Home in the Suburbs

MORENO VALLEY, Calif. — The freeway exits around here are dotted with people asking for money, holding cardboard signs to tell their stories. The details vary only slightly and almost invariably include: Laid off. Need food. Young children.

Mary Carmen Acosta often passes the silent beggars as she enters parking lots to sell homemade ice pops, known as paletas, in an effort to make enough money to get food for her family of four. On a good day she can make $100, about double what she spends on ingredients. On a really good day, she pockets $120, the extra money offering some assurance that she will be able to pay the $800 monthly rent for her family’s three-bedroom apartment. Sometimes, usually on mornings too cold to sell icy treats, she imagines what it would be like to stand on an exit ramp herself.


“Everyone here knows they might have to be like that,” said Ms. Acosta, 40, neatly dressed in slacks and a chiffon blouse, as she waited for help from a local charity in this city an hour’s drive east of Los Angeles. Both she and her husband, Sebastian Plancarte, lost their jobs nearly three years ago. “Each time I see them I thank God for what we do have. We used to have a different kind of life, where we had nice things and did nice things. Now we just worry.”



PATCHING TOGETHER A LIVING Mary Carmen Acosta and her husband, Sebastian Plancarte, with their daughter, Camila, outside their apartment in Moreno Valley, Calif. Credit Emily Berl for The New York Times
Five decades after President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty, the nation’s poor are more likely to be found in suburbs like this one than in cities or rural areas, and poverty in suburbs is rising faster than in any other setting in the country. By 2011, there were three million more people living in poverty in suburbs than in inner cities, according to a study released last year by the Brookings Institution. As a result, suburbs are grappling with problems that once seemed alien, issues compounded by a shortage of institutions helping the poor and distances that make it difficult for people to get to jobs and social services even if they can find them.

In no place is that more true than California, synonymous with the suburban good life and long a magnet for restless newcomers with big dreams. When taking into account the cost of living, including housing, child care and medical expenses, California has the highest poverty rate in the nation, according to a measure introduced by the Census Bureau in 2011 that considers both government benefits and living costs in different parts of the country. By that measure, roughly nine million people — nearly a quarter of the state’s residents — live in poverty…..More Here


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