The white elites have brilliantly used their black puppet with ties to Africa in order to gain inroads in Africa…Obama: US secures ‘long term’ lease on Djibouti base

Through false flags operations, bribes, threats, and outright acts of war on the African nation of Yemen, the white elites have brilliantly used their black puppet with ties to Africa in order to gain inroads in the growing independent minded continent of nations. They have masterfully used, I would say, the best “Tom” that money could by in the person of Barrack Obama.
These tricks won’t stand though. The time will not allow it. Without the knowledge of the time you would think that these little gains being made by white America and the Western nations would put them in a position to overcome prophecy.
  I won’t to ease your mind and tell you that this just won’t happen! This is why war must happen. A war between civilizations, the worlds of the black and white nations must and will fight it out over who shall reign and prevail on planet earth.
  America, the most evil and most wicked of the Western nations, thinks that if she can expand the empire with more bases she will be able to wage global warfare and be victorious over the time and what must come to her in this time.
  Her M.O. is this…”They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies. Is this not the easy way to make enemies?”–pg.169(tfoa)
 Obama: US secures ‘long term’ lease on Djibouti base (via AFP)

The United States secured long term access Monday to a military base in Djibouti that it relies on to launch counter-terrorism missions, including drone strikes, in Yemen and the Horn of Africa. US President Barack Obama and his Djibouti counterpart…

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