Western nations look to loot the Ivory Coast of its resources under a Western installed regime! — UN lifts Ivory Coast diamond embargo

As long as the true elected of The Ivory Coast, President Bagbo, now deposed due to French & UN invasion, was in office, Western nations sanctioned an embargoed the nation trying to make the people hate their choice of leadership in and effort to force them take accept the leaders that Western nations choose for them.
  They knew that Bagbo was trying to rid his nation of French colonialism and move them towards true independence from under Western domination and put the resources and the wealth back into the hands of the people. This was a no go for France and her allies.
When the people stood behind Bagbo, former colonial ruler backed up by UN forces invaded the Ivory Coast and overthrew his administration and installed a tool of Western imperialism. Now The West(I.E…the UN) wants to remove the embargo and the sanctions to steal the many resources of that African nation.
UN lifts Ivory Coast diamond embargo (via AFP)

The UN Security Council lifted a nearly decade-old embargo on Ivory Coast’s international diamond trade Tuesday and relaxed its arms ban on the West African country. The diamond embargo was declared in 2005 because the precious stones were helping fund…

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