She will not be able to stay in Asia



encircleShe knows what is coming to her from Asia, but she believes that if she can divide them and encircle China and spook fears and tensions, she will be able to forestall her fall. Scripture has her being thrown out of the Asian area of the globe. Prophecy has her losing out and being taken.

Don’t think for one minute that American leaders eyes aren’t on the ticking hand on the clock. This is what has them making delusional statements. This is what has them making blunder after blunder strategically. This is what has them confused, divided, and desperate.

   She will not be able to stay in Asia.

    US wants to surround China with military bases: Becker

President Barack Obama is trying to advance Washington’s geostrategic global strategy that is “surrounding China with US military power.”

“President Obama’s trip to Asia is part of the pivot to Asia, where the US is realigning its global military forces – at least 70 percent of them will be located in the Asia-Pacific region – and he’s attempting to reinforce support for the US agenda among governments either clients or its allies, the Philippines and Japan very notably,” said Richard Becker, West Coast coordinator at A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition.

“The idea that China somehow acts in an aggressive fashion towards other countries in the region is really just more White House propaganda about what’s going on. It’s really the United States which is acting in a very aggressive manner, very far from the United States,” he told Press TV.

Becker also said Obama’s trip to the Asia-Pacific is “not a great success, particularly in regard to Japan.”

During Japan’s visit, negotiators from the US and Japan failed to resolve differences over a stalled Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.

Japan’s economy minister and chief TPP negotiator Akira Amari said on Friday that there had been no breakthrough.

The latest hang-ups are over Tokyo’s efforts to protect agricultural products including beef, rice, sugar and pork. Washington is also hoping to protect American automakers from Japanese competitors.

“It’s not going well for President Obama in terms of his foreign policy initiative, but the United States policy which is really an aggressive and imperialist-driven policy… really poses a great danger to the people in the region and really poses a great danger to the people of the world,” Becker said.

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