They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies.(US air force behind drone attacks in Pakistan)


The berserker nation is revealed. The nation of blood and death is none other than this wicked nation called America. Her destabilizing actions are at the root of the upheaval of the nations and the primary cause for the world which is being beset in battle array.

From her very beginning, it was founded under murder, occupation, lies, and the stealing and enslaving of an entire people. The blood of her slaves and that of the Indians are crying out for justice against this violent beast of a nation. They are demanding retribution and blood for blood and life for life.

 She has now spread her tentacles across the world in an effort to force everyone into submission to her will. Her mission to rule without rival and to destroy all opposition to her policy. This is the mind of a sociopath!

…” The great deceivers of the world will reap what they have sown. Have they not corrupted many people and nations under the guise of good, peaceful, loving  Christians?

  The Christian West is full of the worst crimes, practicing evils and indecencies to the fullest and seeking to practice them on other nations as well.”–pg.168(tfoa)

Is this not the way America is conducting her affairs….”They command the sea with their powerful navies, parking them off the shores of other nations. They secure air bases on their soils to place their deadly bomb — carrying planes within easy striking distances of those whom they fear to be their enemies. Is this not the easy way to make enemies?”–pg.169(tfoa)

US air force behind drone attacks in Pakistan

The air force, based in the Nevada desert, is responsible for drone strike program in Pakistan.

The air force, based in the Nevada desert, is responsible for drone strike program in Pakistan.

CIA’s drone attacks in Pakistan are conducted by a regular US air force, according to a new documentary to be released on Tuesday.

Known as the 17th Reconnaissance Squadron, the air force is based in the Nevada desert and is responsible for deadly drone strike program in Pakistan.

The force operates from a secure compound in a corner of Creech air force base, 45 miles from Las Vegas in the Mojave desert, according to the documentary.

The unit’s conventional air force personnel, rather than civilian contractors, have been flying the CIA’s Predator missions in Pakistan, several former drone operators stated.

The operators also told the filmmakers that it was the air force that has always flown the missions and that the CIA might be the customer.

They said a CIA label is just a pretext to withhold information.

In a 2013 briefing, senior Obama administration officials said they wanted to “transfer” control of the CIA’s drones program to the military.

Brandon Bryant, a former US Predator operator, told the film this was disingenuous because everyone in military circles knew that the US air force was already involved.

“There is a lie hidden within that truth. And the lie is that it’s always been the air force that has flown those missions. The CIA might be the customer but the air force has always flown it. A CIA label is just an excuse to not have to give up any information. That is all it has ever been,” Bryant said.

Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project, said this documentary raised questions of legality and oversight. “A lethal force apparatus in which the CIA and regular military collaborate as they are reportedly doing risks upending the checks and balances that restrict where and when lethal force is used, and thwart democratic accountability, which cannot take place in secrecy.”

The US regularly uses drones for attacks and spying missions in Pakistan and other Muslim countries, killing innocent people. Washington claims that the airstrikes target militants, but local and international sources say civilians have been the main victims of the attacks.

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