2014 Is Shaping Up As A Year Of Reckoning For The United States


2014 Is Shaping Up As A Year Of Reckoning For The United States

There is economic instability around the globe. Just to name a few – U.S., China, India, Venezuela, in Europe, and many others. It is not IF, but WHEN there will be economic collapse.

Another economic indicator…

Baltic Dry Index: This little-known index shows the true strength of the global economy. The Baltic Dry Index is the barometer that gauges the shipping dry bulk commodities around the globe.

“worst start to a year since records began 30 years ago”

“The last time we saw a year start like this was 2012 which saw massive concerted co-ordinated central bank easing in Q3 to save us all… it seems that is not coming anytime soon this time…”


Is the US or the World Coming to an End? — Paul Craig Roberts


“2014 is shaping up as a year of reckoning for the United States.

Two pressures are building on the US dollar. One pressure comes from the Federal Reserve’s declining ability to rig the price of gold as Western gold supplies shrivel and market knowledge of the Fed’s illegal price rigging spreads. The evidence of massive amounts of naked shorts being dumped into the paper gold futures market at times of day when trading is thin is unequivocal. It has become obvious that the price of gold is being rigged in the futures market in order to protect the dollar’s value from QE.

The other pressure arises from the Obama regime’s foolish threats of sanctions on Russia. Other countries are no longer willing to tolerate Washington’s abuse of the world dollar standard. Washington uses the dollar-based international payments system to inflict damage on the economies of countries that resist Washington’s political hegemony.

Russia and China have had enough. As I have reported and as Peter Koenig reports herehttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38165.htm Russia and China are disconnecting their international trade from the dollar. Henceforth, Russia will conduct its trade, including the sale of oil and natural gas to Europe, in rubles and in the currencies of its BRICS partners.”

We are getting red flag after red flag after red flag

Time to get serious about preparing for this

Way past time…


KY Mom

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/2014-is-shaping-up-as-a-year-of-reckoning-for-the-united-states/#DvWlzUjq534stJwz.99

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