(Audio Incl.)Analyst: EMP Attack Would Cripple U.S.


Analyst: EMP Attack Would Cripple U.S.

Analyst: EMP Attack Would Cripple U.S.

Photo credit: © Thinkstock

By Kells Hetherington WASHINGTON (VR) —The United States is ill prepared for an Electro Magnetic Pulse because the country’s electrical grid is not hardened as the Shield Act has proposed, according JD Gordon, a Foxnews.com Contributor and a Senior Fellow at the Center for a Secure Free Society in Washington, D.C.

0“If a nuclear weapon was detonated about 30 kilometers above the U.S., we could have a blackout of up to a year in an area that could range about a third of the country,” Gordon said.

0Millions of people would die from that, according to Gordon, yet, we are very unprepared for that in the United States, unfortunately.

0“What we have to do in this country is harden the electrical grid,” he said. “We have to build in redundancies … to prevent a catastrophic meltdown of the grid.”

0Gordon said imagine what happened with just Hurricane Sandy, which he said would be not even a fraction of what an EMP attack would do.

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