Constant Western provocations…All the makings of War in Asia


You can believe that America will be thrown out of Asia completely. There will be no remnants of them after the coming war. She will hightail it out of the Asia when she see what they are and have been preparing for her. This is a long time coming.

She was given the choice to leave willingly or be thrown out. We see that her arrogance and her imperial policy is making her ….no, forcing her to take a stand to show that she is the pre-imminent power in Asia. This is going to her  beaten badly and exposed as a broken power.

Remember these words here…” You do not have to worry too much about whether or not America is coming out of Asia. Certainly America is coming out of Asia. The odds are against her staying there. But I warn you, my Black people, my Black brother here in America, that while she is on the way home, we the Black people are standing in the cross-fire. The only hope that we have is to fly to our refuge in Allah (God).”–pg.172(tfoa)

Now we can see that these nations, the Asian nations, are preparing for this coming and inevitable confrontation;

  DPRK vows self-defense measures against U.S. hostility

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) vowed to take self-defense countermeasures against Washington’s “hostile policy,” official news agency KCNA said Friday.

“As long as the U.S. persists in its hostile policy toward the DPRK, according to its high-handed, arbitrary and gangster-like double standards, Pyongyang will push ahead with the countermeasures for self-defense, as it had already declared,” a spokesman with the National Defense Commission (NDC) said in a statement.

The NDC also called on Washington to roll back its “hostile” policy and lift all sanctions, accusing the United States of employing double standards when responding to missile tests by South Korea.

On March 23, South Korea successfully test-fired a ballistic missile capable of reaching all parts of the DPRK. Three days later, the DPRK test-fired two ballistic missiles into the sea off its east coast.

If the ballistic missile launched by South Korea “is not problematic, our launch of satellites or rockets will be of no problem, either,” the NDC said.

Possible “countermeasures” by Pyongyang include long-range missile launches or even a “new form” of nuclear test. The DPRK conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013, drawing international condemnation and UN sanctions.

Source: Xinhua

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