(Video Incl.)When she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing(US behind Venezuela economic woes)’


 No matter where you point, if its a source of world turmoil, poverty, war, division, factionalism, civil unrest, or grand theft or mass killing, you can believe that somewhere overtly or covertly America has a hand in it. This is the only way she can survive.

If we examine it correctly this can actually describe every anglo/Western nation. They are parasitic and always put themselves as the patrons of human rights and civility. This is only one of the tricks of the devil as taught to them their god/father Mr. Yakub.

This is how they rule. Chaos and havoc must created in order to justify their intervention and presence that they factionalize the people to get a better chance of ruling them and siphoning off all wealth and will of true independence from their grip.

 …”America wants everyone to help her bemoan all of her set-backs but when she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing. She puts her feet upon their economic neck and destroys their independence as a nation.

   All this now returns to America. The little nations are now awake. They had looked for true friendship from America but instead America deceived them.

   Again, I repeat, the Bible prophecy…”As thou has done, it shall be done unto thee.” There is no friend for America”–   pg.110(tfoa)

  ‘US behind Venezuela economic woes’

Press TV has interviewed Alvaro Sanchez, the Venezuelan charge d’affaires in the United Kingdom, to talk about events in Venezuela.

Below is a rush transcript of the interview:

Press TV: Mr. Sanchez, our guest there in Washington is telling us that to consider this a conspiracy that campaign by Washington is not accurate because the economic problems in Venezuela exist and even he said, President [Nicolas] Maduro has expressed his willingness to enter dialogue with the US, and even if we could consider Hugo Chavez as an opponent, he was in power for 14 years.

Sanchez: We have to look into history, if you look at what the United States has done in Latin America for the past 200 years all you see is gross interventions in actually even manipulations and supporting of dictatorships.

The dictatorships in the south of South America, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and so on, were ruthless, vicious dictatorships that actually killed innocent activists from the left. The United States supported all that.

The United States also supported the toppling of President Salvador Allende in Chile. The United States actually, before the toppling of Salvador Allende engaged in systematic economic actions, the manipulation of currency, bringing out or actually making sure that there was scarcity of items in Chile. Same thing happened in Nicaragua, the same thing has been going on in Cuba. So there is a sad history of intervention by the United States in the region and this does not go unnoticed in Venezuela. So, there you are. We have Vice President Biden precisely in Chile, telling the country where he’s making this statement. We cannot take his statements in any other way but threatening and looking into history, as a possibility of something happening again, because indeed what is going on economically in Venezuela is actually supported and framed by many interests in the United States that don’t want to see the Bolivarian Revolution succeeding in Venezuela.

Press TV: Mr. Sanchez, how would you describe the protesters that have been out on the streets? I mean, Maduro said different points that they were fascists. That they’re criminals, could we say that all of these people are criminals or fascists?

Sanchez: No, absolutely not. The leaders of the factions actually engaging in violence are acting in an illegal manner and that has to be said in Venezuela and internationally. The leaders of these groups, mainly Mr. Leopoldo Lopez and Maria Corina Machado are two people who have explicitly called for the ousting of the government.
Let’s remember that Nicolas Maduro was democratically elected in April, in fact, in December and a few weeks ago there was a local election in Venezuela and the PSUV (The United Socialist Party of Venezuela), the political party of Nicolas Maduro, won by a 10 point lead. It was just recently. So, by the way, of course there are many problems in Venezuela. We don’t deny that, but the question is who do people trust to solve this problem?
For the past fifty years, there have been 19 different democratic elections and of the 19 elections, 18 have been won by Chavez before and now by Maduro in the past 16 months. So people, elections after election, they continue voting and trusting the PSUV to lead the economy, to lead the country. If the opposition has a better proposal to solve problems in the country, they need to go to the polls and win the elections and they haven’t done so. And since they haven’t done so, because they know they won’t be able to, then they resort to violence and they have explicitly said that. Leopoldo Lopez and Maria Machado have said that they will or have called for the ousting of the government of President Maduro no matter what. They have even said that it is OK to do away with a democratically elected government. This should not be the case. In fact, if there is a country that talks so much about democracy in the world as the United States, they should actually acknowledge that and criticize the leaders for engaging in violence to topple a government.

Press TV: Mr. Sanchez do you agree that Venezuela is a divided country when it comes to people’s views about the current government and that Maduro would be better off if he starts to listen to people?

Sanchez: The fact that in a society, there are people who think differently I think that’s democratic and healthy. That’s actually good. In the United States, you have Republicans and Democrats and they argue, they talk and they’re divided even within the democrats and the Republicans, you find different currents. There is no difference in Venezuela. It has always been the case even before Chavez came to power. Leftists by the way, in Venezuela were brutally abused, and the media didn’t say a thing, in the 1960s and the 1970s. And the county was even divided in a more brutal way than it is now.

I think Maduro has actually ever since he came to power, and that was even in the case of Chavez when he was alive and he was the president of Venezuela, Maduro himself, once he got elected to be the president, he has always been open to dialogue.

In December, right after the local elections that took place on the 8th of December, he called for a meeting with all the mayors and governors in the country, from the opposition and from his own party. They gathered together, they sat down, they talked.
They immediately, at the beginning of the year, on the 9th of January, there were a new similar kind of these meetings. As a matter of fact on that meeting, finally, Henrique Capriles Radonski was finally accepted and went in and shook hands with Maduro. It was precisely because Capriles finally acknowledged Maduro’s government that again Machado and Leopoldo Lopez decided to go all the way to the rightwing and to the ousting proposal in order to destabilize the country and bring the government down.

The bottom line, and I would like to add something quickly because the gentleman mentioned something about a lack of governance in Venezuela and so on. As I said, there are problems in Venezuela as there are problems everywhere in the world. However, Venezuela at this point has reduced poverty from 80 percent to less than 20 percent in the past 15 years. Half a million social houses have been built. Illiteracy has been eradicated in Venezuela. 80 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 25 attain college education free of charges, something not seen before. Ninety-nine percent of the population finally have actually portable drinking water in their own houses, internet, telephone, and so on has increased after the governments of Chavez and Maduro. I can keep on going mentioning achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Press TV: Very quickly if you can. What is the way out of the current political crisis?

Sanchez: The way out has been laid out by President Maduro. Let’s talk. Let’s have peace. Let’s have dialogue. But there are so many leaders in the opposition that seem to refuse to join conversations and peaceful talks and quickly on 50 percent inflation. Let’s remember that before Chavez came to power, inflation got to even a 100 percent rate. Also, poverty has not increased in Venezuela and at the same time, according to the international food organization in Rome, Venezuela is one of the leading countries in terms of food distribution. So, in spite of the fact that inflation is obviously high, poverty has been maintained at a low level and food has been equally distributed among all the population, securing that everyone has healthy meals every day.

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