Why are black communities specifically targeted by law enforcement when Experts say Opioids Are as Available in Suburbs as They Are in Cities

If what experts are saying true about the availability of opioids and other drugs being just as available in the suburbs(i.e. the white communities), when then is law enforment so focused in the inner cities?
Why then are there more arrests  and longer sentences in the inner cities? Why then do judges and officials specifically target minorities through law enforcement and the judicial system?
  What does this show us? Doesn’t it prove racial bias? Doesn’t it show racial preferential treatment for whites…i.e… the people in the burbs over blacks….i.e… the inner city? This proves that the justice system and those who pass the laws and those who enforce them have an agenda!
 Experts say Opioids Are as Available in Suburbs as They Are in Cities (via NJSpotlight)

New Jersey drug-prevention and law-enforcement officials who deal with the growing use of heroin and other opioids say they are now as available in the suburbs as in cities. That was part of the message at the recent annual New Jersey Prevention Network…

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