‘Kiev unrest the result of Western connivance’


‘Kiev unrest the result of Western connivance’ – VoR global discussion forum

'Kiev unrest the result of Western connivance' - VoR global discussion forum

© Photo: Golos Stolitsy

According to last week’s statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the developments in Ukraine were “a direct result of the connivance policy on the part of those Western politicians and European bodies which, from the very beginning of the crisis, turn a blind eye to the aggressive actions of radical forces in Ukraine, thereby encouraging their escalation and provocations in relation to the legitimate authorities”.

The Voice of Russia’s Global Discussion community asked its members how they estimated the level of foreign interference in the recent developments in Ukraine, why the Western officials kept pinning all the blame on the Ukrainian government, ignoring or even whitewashing the unlawful acts committed by the rioters, and if the Ukrainian authorities had to use force to restore order in the country or resume the negotiation with the rioters.

This topic was debated at The Voice of Russia’s Global Discussion forum and its Facebook page and below is a selection of comments posted by community members. Original grammar, punctuation, and spelling have been faithfully preserved.

Nick Olson, United States – The similarity would be if Russia were to create/organize- groups in Mexico to overthrow the govt. and then install missile launch facilities in Mexico; Russia has defeated nazi world conquest delusions before and now the nuland nazis are pushing the world towards the brink of another.

Mark Blackford, United Kingdom / India – The West has let a situation go out of control empowering unreasonable people. What we are seeing is insurrection, not protests. No civilized nation in the world would have let them continued so long. The recent protests in Thailand went on for a long time and have been peaceful, yet with a few acts of insurrection, they were just broken up. Due to the heavy involvement and media western bullshit, it has become a game of chess. One real world spark could crash the money markets, or cause the war the people running the money markets want to avoid the inevitable crash. From the creation of the Federal reserve and Nixon having to create a fiat currency after the Vietnam war broke the real USA economy, a ponzi scheme of debt has been built up that has to fall. Ukraine is just another part of the desperation of the people running the scheme. they don’t care about people, peace, democracy or human rights. There driving a agenda for control thru money, but even after building up a global military force, they need small chaos everywhere, or a great big war that continues as a normal state the planet tolerates.

Peter Thorne – I believe many of the hundreds of rioters are there to inadvertently play the role of a ‘Hollywood disaster movie’ for western audiences and for those in control of this orchestration. This gives the impression that a popular uprising or revolution is happening, when in reality, it is only anarchist criminality with a vain attempt to Westernize and capitalize the Ukraine. Imagine if this were to take place in London capital, UK- one could imagine the government there calling the ‘protestors’ criminals and terrorists. Imagine also if Russian and Iranian officials were advising the protestors ? I wonder how the UK would react to this scenario? And yet the equivalent occurs in one of Russia’s own satellite countries where the West readily and keenly becomes involved. Real high stakes – ‘winner takes all’ attitude I fear!

Mara Mai, United States – The West should stay out of it. We cannot impose our Constitution, rules, and values on the Ukraine or any other country. If this were happening on our border, in Mexico, we would not be able to ignore it. There would be compelling reasons to contain it.

Bourne Jason – This is just a part of the greater scheme to ultimately destabilise the Russian Federation….which is on the rise again, due to Putin’s wise leadership. This is the age old proven method called ‘divide and conquer’! It always works. As long as the general Ukrainian public understands the plot, they’ll hold on just like Syria. Although I don’t think their existence is on the line here unlike the hapless Syrians.

Pedro Carvalho, Portugal/Germany – Since day 1 that the West has had double standards on this issue. Ukraine is just a good platform against Russia and in particular against Putin. The West wouldn’t care if Ukraine was ruled by Yanukovych or by the rebel groups if the huge Russian market and its rich soil was open to free trade.

Douglas Baker, Canada – Now I blame Yanukovich for not acting fast enough. He should have ignored the western sanction threats and media pressure and removed the violent neo-nazi thugs right away.. Now the blood of the Ukrainian people IS on his hands, partially. […]They’d better hope a moderate like Klitschko can take control instead of Svoboda, or they will have a mess on their hands..

Kris Lerwill, United Kingdom – I believe that first and foremost security should be brought to the streets. Thereafter, a national debate should be conducted to find answers and solutions to discontented civilians grievances with the government. This is the procedure that all advanced governments follow in such a scenario: regain order >> civilized debate >> solutions (perhaps referendum). Rioting is against the law in all democracies and the safety of a countries citizens must come first before starting a dialog with all parties involved.

Nathan Templton, United Kingdom – the Ukrainian Government was going to push for stronger trade links and relations with Russia, the West and Europe would lose money and influence which they need close to Russia because Russia is a world power, its trade effects the world and it has the military power to crush any European state and defend its own borders, for example in the NATO Missile shield, from the US, the west needs to demean Russia’s Eurasian supremacy as thet us not forget Russian economics runs China’s economy, Russian oil, gas and steel funds China’s industry which gives money back to Russia which is spent in Europe, leading to a Eurasian Sphere of influence which the US want’s but the RF has.

Harold Phillips, United States – All revolutions are illegal and are scorned if not successful but lauded if successful. The US government should stay out of this Ukraine affair. Russia should also stay out of the Ukraine affair. It’s up to the Ukraine citizens to decide how their country will be governed.

Chetan Sinha, India – After the dissolution of the USSR, NATO backed forces gained a stronghold in the Western part of Ukraine, symbolized by the rapid increase in the number of Catholic & Anglican Churches . It is this section of the population who are vehemently anti Russia . The situation is completely different in Eastern parts of Ukraine . There the Russian Orthodox Church still has a strong following & anti Russia feelings are un heard of.Therefore, use force but Discreetly against the anti establishment forces Only .

Elena Marie Bridges, United States – The west is already funding the banderas force might give Obama the excuse he wants to make another war. Perhaps if a large majority of the rioters could be arrested and face serious criminal charges they could be under control.

Irene Guy, United States – I think that whatever Ukraine will decide on its own the “$5 bln democratic Nuland” will declare illegitimate. They have torpedoed Geneva-2, but in Europe politicians are more pragmatic, I think. So, that shall be “Geneva-2 minus US”

Bill Nicholson, United Kingdom – Is there one case of Western intervention that ended well? NWO zealots are imposing their corrupt hypocritical thinking throughout mainstream media outlets full bore, using western citizen taxes to fund it. After dealing with so called ‘rogue’ countries refusing to tow the US party line policies, western protesters/dissidents are fully inline for US/EU political prison camps, without trial or charge..NDAA coming to us all who will not bow to corporate dictates..

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