One calamity right after another one is now befalling America.


One calamity right after another one is now befalling America. We say to you…”Woe to America, the murderer and deceiver of the people. The God of Justice and Truth has pronounced a judgment against thee — and by no means will    you escape. You have made mockery of Him, God, and His people and His word, the truth.   You have been judged and found wanting to the so-called American Negroes, the lost and now found members of the aboriginal Black nation of the earth.”–pg.153(tfoa)

As she has surrounded other nations and destroyed their cities and towns, She is now surrounded by the forces of nature which are destroying her cities and towns. She must remember that old Biblical saying…as thou hast done, so shall it be done unto thee. This is what is affecting her now. She is suffering the same type of Judgment that was pronounced and issued upon ancient Egypt and Pharaoh….”Up until this very minute, she is seeking to destroy the Black man in America and to deprive him of the freedom to do for self. America never desires a departure of the Black slave from his white slave-master. America wishes only to hold the    Black slave in order to continue to treat him with evil.

  Pharaoh’s hatred and injustice to Israel, in Egypt, in the time of Moses, should serve America as a warning; but she has fallen head long into the throes of the destruction of Allah (God).   America runs to and fro seeking a way out, but she does not try to justify her Black slave for justice and equality among the nations of the earth. America made us into nothing and she used us to mock us before the nations of the earth.”–pg.163(tfoa) Look at how judgment is hitting her everywhere…..

Portland issues emergency alert as ice storm hits

Portland issues emergency alert as ice storm hits                        Portland issues emergency alert as ice storm hits
PORTLAND – The City of Portland issued an emergency alert Saturday night as freezing rain pummeled the snowy Portland Metro Area.

The city urged residents not to travel due to hazardous road conditions for drivers and pedestrians. TriMet shut down all MAX lines and the Portland Streetcar due to weather Saturday night and buses were re-routed to help transport stranded riders. Temperatures overnight stayed below freezing as an icy mix developed, dumping sleet and freezing rain around the region….more here Source:

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