Obama signs $950 billion farm bill, cutting food aid to the poor, but giving Israel billions

We told you that Obama is a puppet put into office to further your oppressive deceitful former slave master’s plans of putting you into an unending hole groveling for bread, food, and jobs. This signing of a farm bill still gives corporate welfare to the rich, while denying the poor much needed financial help to be able to eat.
 Remember that according to their own constitution, The President must sign these bills in order for them to go into effect. This being the case, Obama could have not signed it, forced congress to amend it, or outright vetoed it. But he didn’t did he?
   Why? It’s because you are not a priority to him. He must do as his masters bid him to do or otherwise risk alienating his puppeteers. We know for a fact that, ” America has everything necessary to make her slaves good warm homes, cool homes, and to give her slaves a good living wage, because our fathers, for four hundred years, have already supplied the wealth for us today to be given food, substantial wages for our necessities of life.”–pg.79(tfoa)
  She (America) hates the people of God and the Negroes do not know that they are really the people of God. She uses any “Tom” that she can buy to further oppress you…..”Even today, after a hundred years of so-called freedom, he is still against you going free. This is your trouble today. You are deceived, and deceived by the enemy you think is a friend, but take note of what he offers you. He is offering you only temporary enjoyment – and not a permanent enjoyment for your people. We want some earth, and not a temporary room in the house of our enemy.   Let the political and spiritual leaders unite on such a stand as getting some earth for the people, and not getting just a job and a chance to loll around, sleeping and allowing the enemy to protect our responsibility for self. We must bear our own responsibility.”–pgs.53 & 54(tfoa)

Black man & woman who are descendants of slaves here in America, don’t be fooled by the devil putting a black face in his white office. He is trying to deceive you. He knows that you are ignorant and can easily deceived. He looks for those who would gladly sell you out for the sake of a few crumbs off of master’s table.


 Now the end of the term which was set for the white man has come. The average so-called Negro, the lost found member of the Black nation does not know that this is the end of the world of the white man (his rule over the Black nation). He will not listen to one of his own kind who tells or teaches him of the time and doom of the world that we have known (white man’s world).

    They offer high positions and money to the so-called Negro intellectual politicians who will work against the good of the Black American people. They will accept such gratuity, for they have been deprived of love for self and kind. What so they care about the millions who are sprawled in the mud of civilization? They are content as long as they eat the buttered biscuit and the fried chicken (as their slave-fathers did).

   You would not think that they would hire themselves out to be stool pigeons – white man’s bootlickers and Uncle Toms in these modern times of advanced education – but they are doing just that.”–pgs.61 & 62(tfoa)

Obama signs $950 billion farm bill (via AFP)

President Barack Obama signed an agriculture bill worth more than $950 billion Friday, saying the rare product of cooperation in Washington was an example of how the gridlocked US political capital should work. Obama traveled to Michigan to highlight…

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