Regardless to her public persona, She knows that conflict in Asia will break her as a global power!


 War is coming and coming soon. It is inevitable and cannot be stopped. The so-called world’s only super power knows that her time has past, but she refuses to lay down and submit…” America’s burden in trying to protect herself from the attacking nations of the world is tremendous, one that she will not be able to carry. Therefore, she must succumb to the powerful forces that are coming against her.”–pg.18(tfoa)

She is putting on a brave face. She wants to the give an air of invincibility before the people. She knows that she is going, but she will not go without a fight.

This is to deceive you and I into believing that she still hold power over you and the nations and that God is not here in person…”Though in appearance America seems steadfast, she is moving towards an ultimate end. One great problem to be solved in the Fall of America is the liberation of the so-called American Negro (the lost and found people of the original Black nation of the earth). They have been here for four centuries, mistreated and brought into a state of corruption and shame. They now are being helped, although they are as blind mentally as someone is physically.

  In all the preparations of the Divine Supreme Being and the nation of righteousness to remove the enemy of God and the righteous    from the earth, the poor so called American Negro cannot see it.”–pg.18(tfoa)

  …”The American slave-holders want to deceive the so-called Negro into believing that Allah (God) is not paying attention to them. The white man wants them to believe that he is the god that they should pay attention to.

   I warn my people who believe in the idea that the white man is the god they should pay attention to. You will come up the loser.”–pg.234(tfoa)

She will not win in Asia. In fact she will be forced out of the near East, then completely out of the far East(Asia), back to Europe where She and Russia will devastate each other forcing her to hobble back to her own borders where Central and South America will beat her.

So do not believe her in her arrogant talk of positioning in Asia to maintain herself as the pre-eminent power. She is coming out…”You do not have to worry too much about whether or not America is coming out of Asia. Certainly America is coming out of Asia. The odds are against her staying there. But I warn you, my Black people, my Black brother here in America, that    while she is on the way home, we the Black people are standing in the cross-fire. The only hope that we have is to fly to our refuge in Allah (God).”–pg.172(tfoa)

 Pacific region: arena for military competition of largest world powers     

Russian Pacific Fleet's large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleyev

Russian Pacific Fleet’s large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleyev

Photo: RIA Novosti

The US continues to build-up its military forces in the Pacific Ocean. Around 60 percent of US submarines with nuclear weapons on board are already stationed in this theater of war. Plans for solidifying this grouping were voiced a few years ago and today the Pacific becomes an arena for competition of the largest world powers. And Moscow is eyeing the region as well.

 Today main naval forces’ positioning and combat areas reflect a political climate in the world. For the most part of the Cold War, the US Navy key forces were stationed in the Atlantic. The US Second Fleet was considered to be the most powerful division back then but in the mid-1990s a number of servicemen were laid off. In 2011, it was completely disestablished.

 The Navy is the US’ most flexible warfare service branch as it can both deter a potential enemy and pose a threat. It’s obvious that in the Pacific region China represents such an enemy for the US as it’s been actively strengthening its naval forces, including the country’s plans for building four aircraft carriers. Taking into account that the US plans to have six aircraft carriers in the Pacific Ocean, with part of them regularly employed in the Persian Gulf and in the Middle East, a balance of forces doesn’t seem to be so hopeless for China.

 However, a threat posed by the US Navy is still rather substantial to discourage some countries to challenge the US sea might. And the United States, in their turn, are willing to take advantage of their position, creating a sea-based component of the ballistic missile defense system and seriously increasing its mobility and flexibility. The major part of ships equipped with SM-3 interceptor missiles is also stationed in the Pacific Ocean.

 It’s necessary to understand that today Russia plays second fiddle in the US’ military planning because otherwise the most part of the US Navy would still be concentrated in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. China, with its mounting economic and military power, and North Korea, posing a threat due to its unpredictability and possession of nuclear weapons, attract the foremost attention in the Far East today.

 The same, in fact, in also true for Russia. In its plans of military development, Russia, for already a long time, has not been viewing the US as its #1 potential enemy. Speaking about the Pacific region, the most possible attacker against Russia here is Japan, which still wants to have back the disputable islands between it and Russia. As for the US, it would hardly support this desire of Japan because, in the current situation, when China has become a very strong rival of the US for military domination in the Pacific region, the US would rather prefer to keep friendly relations with Russia.

 So, Russia is restoring its military presence in the Far East, including the development of the navy. It is expected that within the next several years, the Russian navy will be replenished with new battle ships of the corvette/destroyer type, submarines (both new and modernized), universal landing ships of the Mistral type and other military ships.

 The Fleet is also changing its priorities – the Russian Navy has switched from directly competing with the United States to solving everyday problems, which range from strengthening the defense of the Kuril Islands to fighting piracy. In the future, the majority of the Russian Navy will be deployed in the Pacific Ocean, like the US Navy. Right now all we lack is proper coastal infrastructure.

 The vital peace condition for Moscow resides not so much in weaponry as in good relations with regional leaders, India and China. Under these circumstances, Russia can develop both its fleet and the economy in the Pacific Ocean, not fearing failure of the program due to foreign policy reasons.

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