Signs of a sinking super power…Economic decline is everywhere(Workers rally in New York City to demand higher wages)


   In some of the clearest signs yet that the Empire is falling, more people are rising up against the corporate elite demanding a living wage. Any student of history knows that these type of protests are what lead to rebellion, insurrection, and the overthrow of former kings, rulers, and governments.

   This is what is in store for America…” According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation — and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people — and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment — and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied — and to find a way to be able to eat — and to keep the hungry eating from his own labor — pacification is offered but it does not satisfy.”–pg.255(tfoa)

    Workers rally in New York City to demand higher wages


The winter cold didn’t stop these protestors from gathering in New York once again calling for better wages for workers across the US. The minimum wage currently stands at $7.25; protesters say that’s hardly enough to get by without the help of some sort of government assistance.

The slogan of the demonstrations today is clear and simple: “SOLIDARITY WITH WORKERS/ECONOMIC JUSTICE FOR ALL”

With Black Friday heralding the start of the shopping season, demonstrators are expected to take to the streets more often asking consumers to reconsider their spending habits and think twice before shopping from big brand names and corporations. Black Friday, is the day after Thanksgiving and is the unofficial start of the November-December holiday shopping season, one of the busiest times of year for retailers. It’s perhaps best known as an annual tradition of shoppers mobbing stores in the hopes of getting limited-time deals.

For years the retail industry had relied largely on young, teenage workers who were willing to accept minimum wage in exchange for flexible schedules. However, with the downfall of the economy many of these jobs went to older workers, often supporting a family.

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