The phenomena going on in the sun and its family of planets testify to the truth that something of the greatest magnitude is about to take place


Something major is about to take place. Everything in nature is telling us, yet we willingly and willfully ignore it to our own detriment. The Heavens and Earth are being shaken.

  All that we have known and everything that we thought about ,when it comes to the laws of physics and nature, is now being thrown into utter chaos. So many Earthly events. So many Heavenly happenings, the like to which we have never seen, are going on daily.

  What does this mean? What does this signify? How can we know? Scripture and prophecy tells us of what to expect when all these things take place.

   …”Since the Holy Qur’an teaches that the judgment would be such that the earth itself would act as though a revelation had been revealed to it because of its perfect obedience to the Law of Allah on that Day.”–pg.212(tfoa)

  We can now deduce that what we are witnessing high and low is the judgment. These are signs of the end of the present world. This you all should know!

   The world we have known is on its way out, and it wishes to carry you and me with it. But, it will not. Now you, the so-called negro, must decide on what you shall do, because your lives depend on you making the proper and right decision.

    They (devils) see the end of their world and they see the signs of the Son of Man coming in the sky with power and great glory (the great Ezekiel’s wheel and the unity of the Muslim world and the distress of nations).

  The so-called Negro must awaken before it is too late…” And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. They see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory’  (St. Luke 21:25-27).

  You will bear me witness that we are living in such time as mentioned in the above prophecy — signs in the sun and in the moon. The phenomena going on in the sun and its family of planets testify to the truth that something of the greatest magnitude is about to take place. The final war or battle between God and the devils in the sky.


  Allah (God) who has power over all things, is bringing the powers of the sun, moon and stars into display against His enemies. The fire of the sun to scorch and burn men and the vegetation and dry up the waters. The moon will eclipse her light to bring darkness upon man and upon all living things, to disrupt with her waves all air communications. The magnetic powers of the moon will bring about such tidal waves of seas and oceans as man has never witnessed before: the sea and waves roaring.”–Chp.126(m.t.t.b.m.)


Signs in the heavens? Two comets racing towards Earth and Sun: ‘unprecedented’


November 23, 2013SPACE – NASA spotted Comet ISON coming on strong on Thursday. An awesome set of images shows Comet Encke, its tail wriggling, along with Mercury and Earth. Then ISON enters the field. It looks like a comet race. It’s evidence, the space agency says, that ISON is still intact and hasn’t splintered as it approaches the sun. A camera on NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory captured the action Thursday. Watch the tails of the comets below. Solar wind, the particles that stream outward from the sun at 1 million miles per hour, make the comets’ tails move.LA Times
Double Comets: Battams points out another exciting development: Comet Encke and Comet ISON are converging for a photogenic close encounter. “No they’re not going to hit each other – in reality they are millions of miles apart – but as seen from the STEREO-A spacecraft, they are going to get very close!” he says. “We are probably a couple of days away from seeing two comets almost side-by-side in that camera, with long tails flowing behind them in the solar wind. To say that such an image will be unprecedented is rather an understatement.” Stay tuned for that. –Space Weather
Comet ISON seen in the dawn sky with the planet Mercury in the background. The comets arrive on the heels of the Leonids meteor showers, to create even more spectacles to watch in space.
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