The dawn of war approaches: The scientists of America are trying to subdue other planets(like Mars)


    She is so pre-occupied with the people on other planets, that she can’t even see her own demise on this planet. She knows that there will be universal war waged against her as declared out of the mouth of the prophets and messengers of Allah. The war that is in the making is one like you’ve never witnessed before.

  Because the devil has expanded his devilishment  in the land, the sea, the air, and now to outerspace, there must be a war waged on all of these fronts to remove that which she is trying to set-up. It is called Universal war. America knows this and this is why she saddles the space around the earth. And this is why she is building up what she termed “her space defense plans”.

  She has weaponized the land on earth. She has weaponized the sea and underneath the sea. She has weaponized the air. Now she intends to weaponize the very space itself.

  This won’t stand. Why? It is because, “We have many things out there in space that can be brought into action against America or any other nation today; for Allah is the Greatest.”–pg.235(tfoa)

  Regardless to what she says, about preparing for war, the truth is…”There is no hope for America to win the war. There is no hope for the Black man in the future of America for America has no future for herself. She will not be able to win the war.”–pg.234(tfoa)

    America(& the whole of the white world), we have your history. Everything that you are planning was already written long before you ever came to be. The wise know that, “We are living in a time of total destruction. We’re living in the time of the entering into that final war that so much prophecy of that must be fought. It cannot be delayed.

  It must be fought and today it is now going on. We also are living in the time that the Bible prophesies and the Holy Qur’an prophesies of this people. The scientist of the white man, going, preparing to conquer the outer space. This I say is going on now!”–(The Science Of Time: Messenger Elijah Muhammad)

    U.S. launches spacecraft to explore Martian atmosphere


      U.S. space agency NASA launched its newest Mars-bound spacecraft on Monday afternoon to look at the red planet’s upper atmosphere, NASA TV showed.

The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) lifted off at 13:28 EST (0628 GMT) aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

“Everything is looking good,” a NASA TV commentator said.

The trip to Mars will take 10 months, and the 671-million-U.S.- dollar MAVEN is expected to reach orbit around Mars in September 2014, NASA said.

“MAVEN is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere,” the U.S. space agency said.

“The spacecraft will investigate how the loss of Mars’ atmosphere to space determined the history of water on the surface, ” it said.

MAVEN has a one-Earth-year primary mission, during which it will make measurements in all regions of “near-Mars” space, including five deep dip maneuvers, descending to an altitude of 120 kilometers, the lower boundary of the planet’s upper atmosphere.

The spacecraft will carry three instrument suites. The Particles and Fields Package contains six instruments to characterize the solar wind and the ionosphere of Mars. The Remote Sensing Package will determine global characteristics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer will measure the composition of Mars’ upper atmosphere.

Maven is the 10th orbiter the U.S. space agency sends to Mars, but three of them failed. Currently, there are three other active spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet: Mars Odyssey launched in 2001, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express launched in 2003 and NASA ‘s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launched in 2005.

NASA also has two active rovers currently studying Mars on the planet’s surface: Opportunity launched in 2003 and Curiosity, the last NASA mission launched in 2011.

 Source: Xinhua

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