All of her riches are gone — US already third world economy


    We have past histories that teach us of the fall and rise of many nations. However, in this day — after this destruction of the nations, there will be no rise of these destroyed nations because Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom praises are due forever, will destroy those who cause evil to spread far and wide. He will destroy those who love to make war on others, as it is written, Ps. 68:30…. ” Is America better than ancient Babylon? No!

  The people of Noah committed the same evil and the same unsightly filth that is going on here in America, today. But, the evil and filth of the present day America, is being committed on a larger scale than that committed in the day of Noah. The people of Noah were drowned and destroyed.

  So it was with the people of Lot. In Sodom and Gomorrah wickedness and filth had become the order of the day. Those wicked people were removed from our planet earth. Is America any better? No! America is worse than that ancient people.”–pg.121(tfoa)

US already third world economy: American economist


The US dollar has seen value decline, an American economist says.

The US dollar has seen value decline, an American economist says.

A prominent American economist says the United States has already become a Third World economy as the world superpower continues to offshore its gross domestic product (GDP).

“If jobs offshoring continued, the US would be a Third World economy in 20 years,” Paul Craig Roberts wrote in a column for the Press TV website on Thursday.

“America is in the toilet, and the rest of the world knows it,” he wrote, noting, “More small businesses close, as memberships decline in golf clubs, as more university graduates return home to live with their parents, who are drawing down their savings to live.”

“With the world moving away from using the dollar to settle international accounts, as the Federal Reserve prints more dollars, the rate at which foreign holders of dollar assets sell off their holdings will rise,” wrote Roberts.

The economist added that the US neocons who rule in Washington and their Israeli ally are, however, determined that “Washington start yet more wars to create Lebensraum for Israel.”

A new jobs report released on Tuesday showed the US economic recovery continues to be sluggish and many economists warn that the constant fiscal fights in Washington only threaten to make the situation worse.

The US economy added 148,000 jobs in September while the unemployment rate dropped slightly to 7.2 percent, federal economists reported Tuesday. The report fell short of expectations as economists had estimated the number of jobs added would come in at 185,000.

“The decline in the dollar’s exchange value and the domestic inflation that results will force the Fed to stop printing. What then covers the gap between revenues and expenditures? The likely answer is private pensions and any other asset that Washington can get its hands on,” noted Roberts in his article.

Analysts say that the recent US government shutdown could cloud the value of the next two monthly reports, meaning that a clear picture of the jobs market may not appear until the December report is released in January.

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