US Government engaged in genocide of the poor


US Government engaged in genocide of the poor – Bruce Gagnon

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In an effort to robotize their war machine the United States has now turned fighter jets into drones. The US plans to convert their entire air force into a drone fleet from bombers to fighters, which will allow them to conduct secret “antiseptic” wars. The broadening of drone usage and the continuation of the endless war that the US is engaged in has become the object of bi-partisan ire with Republicans now “laying out an articulation that is identical to the one” that peace activists and Liberals use. Americans are saying we have: “… no jobs in our community. Our roads are falling apart, our bridges are falling apart, our schools are falling apart,” yet they want to launch another war. According to Bruce Gagnon, in an interview with the Voice of Russia, citing a nazi (sic) paper titled: ”The Caloric Reduction Intake Schedule in Hitler’s Warsaw, Poland”, the US Government is engaged in a modern day genocide of the poorest populations in the US by cutting Food Stamps, healthcare and other kinds of such programs that people need in order to survive. The upper 1% wants to eliminate the “superfluous populations” because there are no jobs anymore in the US and these people are a liability.

 Part 1


 Hello! This is John Robles, you are listening to an interview with Bruce Gagnon – the coordinator for the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. This is part two of an interview in progress. You can find the previous parts on our website at

 Robles: About a week ago Boeing and the US Air Force, they actually turned an F-16 fighter into a drone. Have you heard about that?

 Gagnon: Yeah, yeah, I have.

 Robles: Where do you think that is going? Are they going to be launching their wars of aggression now with F-16 fighters?

 Gagnon: It is clear that the Pentagon wants to, by the year 2025, turn their entire air force into a drone air force. They say that they want to be able to land drones on aircraft carriers, they want to have them for, essentially all of their military, fighter aircraft and other aircraft bombers, bombers, to be drones. They believe that it will save them money in the long run and that they won’t have to, quote unquote: “put any pilots at risk” this way.

 This is one thing. I think what is driving all of this is the military industrial complex, it is a whole new variety of weapon systems that they can develop and to make more money. So, I think that’s bottom line what is driving it.

 Robles: They could launch a war from a bunker somewhere in Virginia and it could all be run by computers. And they could, I see a worst case scenario, one person could just bomb an entire country.

 Gagnon: Well, it would take a few more people to run the whole show. But clearly, they are trying to be able to run, quote unquote: “antiseptic wars”. They want to able to essentially, have wars that the American people would never really know were going on, because there are no body bags coming home and everything else. But the bottom line, the Achilles’ Heel of this whole thing is money. This country is falling apart.

 It was fascinating to watch the anti-Syria efforts by the American people across the country. I saw a Republican saying… (you know, I’m talking about grassroots, ranking-file republican in conservative states that always vote Republican, places like Oklahoma), … laying out an articulation that was identical to the one that we use.

 I heard one woman say: “Hey, look, we’ve got no jobs in our community. Our roads are falling apart, our bridges are falling apart, our schools are falling apart. We don’t want to spend any more money on any more of these wars”.

 So, the people are figuring this out. And again, because of that this makes them dangerous to the corporate oligarchy that runs this country.

 Robles: How far-fetched do you think it is that once they feel threatened enough, they will start attempting to implement these FEMA plans, to start incarcerating mass numbers of the population? How threatened do you think there are going to be? Or do you think that will never happen?

 Gagnon: I think that’s the last resort, but I think it is conceivable. I think there is something else that they are doing immediately. And that is to try to thin up the population.

 I’ll never forget, when I was in college I got a part-time job working for a woman who was disabled. She was writing a book on the many different forms of genocide. And she had me go to the library and make copies of different pages of books for her.

 And one of them that I did was a page called the; ”The Caloric Reduction Intake Schedule in Hitler’s Warsaw, Poland”. And what it was, it was a graph where they charted over a period of years…

 The Nazis, they said:”If we reduce the caloric intake of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland, we will be able to kill them, they will die and so we don’t have to gas them, nobody will know that we are gassing them, this way we can kill them over a period of time.”

 And so, just in the past week the Congress voted to cut Food Stamps for the poorest of people in this country. It was already too low. The amount of food stamps they were getting was already way too low. People were already running out of food by the third week in the month. But now that’s being cut back even further.

 And I would submit that the Government knows exactly what they are doing. And by doing this, they are thinning out the population – by cutting food stamps, by cutting healthcare, by cutting other kinds of such programs that people need in order to survive, because there are no jobs anymore in this country.

 The Government knows that over a period of time these poor people and lower income people are going to die earlier, and it is a way to thin out the population. I think it is a form of genocide that is already under way in this country. The concentration camps are the last resort, but in the intervening years they are going to try to thin up the population.

 Robles: Do you think that’s possibly why they are promoting this gay marriage business? That’s another way to cut down the population, if you destroy the family unit and destroy the belief that family is a man and a woman who can create children.

 Gagnon: I wouldn’t say so. I think that our country has just evolved to a point where we really believe that you have to respect everyone’s dignity, that you have to respect everyone’s choice for who they want to be in love with. I don’t think there should be any penalty for anyone just because they love someone. So, I think that’s really what is happening, especially amongst the younger generation.

 Robles: So, they are trying to get rid of just the poor people, or who do you think they’re… ?

 Gagnon: Yeah, yeah, that’s what I call the “superfluous populations”. Because of computerization, mechanization, robotics and outsourcing they don’t need all these people in this country anymore, and especially, you don’t want to educate them because then they become potential revolutionaries against the system.

 So, you cut education, you dumb down the population (they’ve been working on that for years. They are now moving to privatize education, corporatize it, basically to reduce people’s ability to think critically) and then, from there begin to take away healthcare and nutrition programs and things like that, even for senior citizens (they are cutting back on a program called Meals on Wheels, where volunteers deliver prepared meals to senior citizens).

 Robles: Right. To shuts-ins…

 Gagnon: They are cutting back on those programs. So, seniors are going to die earlier, poor people of all ages… Most poor people are children in this country. And when you don’t get a good meal, you go to school and you don’t learn as well. Scientists have proven that to be the case. So, it is clearly a program to thin out the population.

 Robles: So, the poor struggling masses yearning to breathe free have become a liability for the upper 1%.

 Gagnon: Yeah, they are not needed. Again, they are superfluous and they don’t want them around.

 Robles: I read some stuff on these FEMA camps. I don’t know how much you know about them. I mean, there are a lot of conspiracy theories going on. There was one interesting location that was filmed on the Internet in Indiana. And apparently they had like these color-coded gates. Red was for instant disposal, blue was like for reprogramming and yellow or something was for whatever they needed to do. It was just like disposable people. Have you heard anything about that?

 Gagnon: I don’t know about that particular situation. But I’ve seen this stuff about the FEMA camps for years. And I don’t in any way doubt that it is true.

 Those camps could be used for locking up immigrants, because there is a strong anti-immigrant effort within some portions of the leadership in the country. Or they could be used to lock up activists like myself when the clamp comes down.

 So, I personally would say that I think it is all possible, all conceivable but at this point in time I don’t believe that’s happening. But it is conceivable that it could.

 Let’s remember that during WW II the Japanese were rounded up and placed in similar camps. They had property taken away from them, they were locked in camps, they lost everything they owned just because they were Japanese.

 Our Government rounded up Indians, put them on reservations and to this day they are still the poorest people in the country, they’ve never recovered from that experience. So, our Government has done this kind of thing before…

 Robles: It was founded on that.

 Gagnon: Yeah! And then, they used the same model in Vietnam when they created these enclaves to supposedly protect the Vietnamese people, but the reason why they were really doing it was to control the population during that war. So, you know, I don’t put anything past our Government, frankly.

 You were listening to part two of an interview with Bruce Gagnon the coordinator for the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. This is part two of an interview in progress. You can find the previous parts to this interview on our website at
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One Response to US Government engaged in genocide of the poor

  1. seneca011

    September 29, 2013 at 7:47 am

    How can supposed human beings be so evil? very strange.

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